Last Measure: Eve of the Counterattack (4)

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~Your PoV~

You walk around the barracks yard, hoping to find Felix somewhere. So many things have happened, the worst being the accusations at Eren's trial. You couldn't forget the look he gave you. And now you have to talk to him. No one was allowed to put nonsense into his head. You didn't want him to have funny thoughts about you. Somehow he was your only friend after all, apart from Christa and Ymir, with whom you also spent quite a lot of time together.

Just as you're coming out of the storage room, you're suddenly accosted loudly. "Well, if it isn't (Y/n)! I was looking for you. Eren told me all about you!"

The person comes into your field of vision. It was Hanji, the section commander of the survey corps. You wanted to respond to her, but she continued to speak before you had a chance to. "Is it really true? You've already impressed everyone even before we arrived in the Trost District?"

"Impressed is probably a bit overstating it. I may have been assigned to the elite unit, but there are plenty of people with my skills and even more who have better ones," you answer her in a calm tone. After all, you spent the first half of the fight away from your unit and went your own way, which isn't very impressive...

"Don't be so modest, (Y/n)! Why didn't you say so earlier?" she replied as if she hadn't heard you correctly. Hanji was convinced that what Eren said was true. After all, she had seen you in action herself, so she dismissed your behaviour as modesty. "If you're half as good as Eren says, I'd love to have you join us on the next mission... What do you say? Are you ready to head out?"

You didn't expect her sudden offer, I mean, who would have. You're pondering the issues. Finding Felix was very important, however, you could still talk to him later and if you both really are joining the survey corps, then there's certainly nothing wrong with making yourself known already to the upper officers, that way it'll be easy to protect him later. "Good, okay. I'm in."

"That's the spirit! What are we waiting for? Let's go see Erwin!" She runs ahead excitedly and cheerfully. You follow her at your own pace, which resulted in her urging you on again and again.

Hanji led you to the other scouts, on the wall around Trost. On-site, you get your ODM gear, like everyone else, before Commander Erwin began the introductions.

"Okay, scouts! We're tasked with fighting off any Titans that are still near the Wall. This is part of the recapture of Trost! So let's get this done as soon as possible, so we can prepare for our next scouting mission outside the walls. You know what to do! Go!", Erwin speaks.

Some of the soldiers of the survey corps are getting ready to move the horses to the other side using the elevators.

"Erwin, what do you think about the new one taking part in this operation?", Hanji asks the commander.

"Hmph. I know it's a simple mission, but we'll definitely be dealing with Titans, Hanji. Are you sure she's ready for this?", Erwin asks her a counter-question.

"I think it's the perfect opportunity for her to gain valuable experience. I'll keep a close eye on her. Don't worry," Hanji replies.

"Well, I don't want to force her to do it. What do you think, soldier?", Erwin finally addresses you directly.

Now it was time for you to score points and play the model student. "We're going up against Titans, so I'd be lying if I said I wasn't scared. But being in the company of elite soldiers from the survey corps, I'm less worried, and I've learned a thing or two in training as well. So I'd like to be a part of it, sir," you reply hypocritically friendly that it almost made you feel disgusted at yourself.

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