Not now: The Survey Corps (3)

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~Your PoV~

The Titan towered over you, but all you could do was look at it with your eyes wide open.

Just when you accept your death, you see someone flying through the air and killing the Titan at the same moment.

You don't recognize who it was, because, at the same moment, everything was bathed in bright yellow-green light.

"(Y/n)! Are you okay?!" you hear Petra call out, just before she comes running towards you.

You slowly stand up. Your thoughts were still completely clouded. "Yes..."

Not long after, Auruo arrived and immediately rebuked you for how you could be so careless. "What were you thinking? If you got up on the wrong side of the bed, then stay away from the front!"

All you do was look at the ground in shame.

Auruo continues to scold you, while Petra kept interrupting him, telling him not to be so hard on you. You are cut off by Gunther, who runs towards you, shouting, "Hey! Come with me! Eren has turned and is no longer reacting to us! The Titans are surrounding him!"

Auruo started grumbling again, while you looked at your comrades in shock. Eren had transformed? Was that him when you saw the glaring light? You had already completely forgotten that after the shock.

"Can you fight, (Y/n)? We need as much reinforcement as possible!", Gunther turns to you as you, Petra, and Auruo catch up to him.

Of course, you immediately answer in the affirmative. You'd already caused enough trouble, now you couldn't just stand by while they risked their lives to protect Eren.

Just like back in Trost, the Titans crowded around him and were practically lured by him.

The scouts, who were here as support to kill nearby Titans were, of course, completely powerless against the hordes that came rushing in.

It would be almost no problem to retreat since the wall was so close, but with Eren in his titan form, it didn't work. Besides, he wasn't responding to anyone either. Levi's squad tried it, Hanji tried it, but he just kept hitting the Titans. In the process, he also got farther and farther away from the wall. On top of that, the titans just kept getting more and more. Soon you will be surrounded and then there was no chance to escape.

What also added to your worries was that Eren had gone completely out of control. You couldn't get too close to him, or he would get you too, but at the same time, you had to stay close to him to protect him.

The situation seemed hopeless. Together with your comrades, you slaughtered one Titan after another, while always being careful not to get between the fronts of Eren and the Titans.

"This isn't working! The Titans are just getting more and more, and we're getting less!" you shout as you see yet another scout being eaten by a Titan.

"The Titans are too much of a threat! We can't let them roam free!", Eld replies as he moves further back, as Eren is already getting dangerously close to you again.

"But what is the point if there is no one left afterwards?" you retort. Your nerves were on edge, and you had no idea what to do or say. Of course, you knew that Eren was the hope of humanity, and you couldn't just leave him here to die. But on the other hand, this situation looked inevitable. On your side, there were fewer and fewer, and there was no sign that Eren would calm down soon. Why did he have to turn at all? You guys had everything under control.

Many times you have faced the Titans. Many times you have overcome a life-threatening situation and remained calm the whole time, but today everything was different. You couldn't think straight anymore.

"Do you have a better idea, rookie? If we don't finish these things off, we're screwed!", Auruo says.

"I don't know either!" you counter with a desperate tone, "He always comes out of the Titans' weak spot, maybe you can cut him out or something?"

"But that's suicide! How are you going to get past all those Titans, to his neck?", Auruo says after killing another Titan.

You don't answer, and to be honest, you weren't really listening to Auruo, but your gaze was fixed on Eren, who turned his face to you and your comrades. For a second, you could swear he was looking right into your eyes before turning back to the Titans.

Once again, a Titan body you killed crashed to the ground. You had long since stopped counting how many Titans you had killed. Your strength is slowly leaving you and your comrades didn't look any better.

You landed a little shakily next to the Titan you had just killed, so you could choose a new victim when suddenly Hanji came riding up from the side. An idea had occurred to her.

"(Y/n)! I have a plan!" she said as she came to a stop beside you, "I've been watching the situation for a while now, it seems like Eren is reacting to you. If you go anywhere, he'll follow you. Maybe we can calm him down that way. Try to talk to him!"

"What?! That's impossible!" you reply as you move further away again, "I've seen what he does. He didn't even respond to Mikasa, so I'm sure it won't do any good if I try it!"

"But that's our only option! If this goes on, we'll lose him!" she countered in a muffled tone, you'd never seen her like that before. In fact, it was almost terrifying.

"Section Commander, but we can't just let (Y/n) get that close to the Titans. It'll kill her!", Moblit objected.

"I know it's dangerous myself, but then what else are we going to do? We have to at least try!", Hanji says before turning back to you, "So, (Y/n)? I know it's dangerous, but I wouldn't ask you about it if I wasn't sure it might work."

You didn't know if Hanji's plan would succeed. In your opinion, the rate that it would really work was very low. After all, you've seen Eren go crazy before. Nothing could bring him to his senses. However, you also knew that if a miracle didn't happen soon, you didn't have long to live or you would have to give up Eren. Maybe Hanji's plan was that miracle. After all, it wouldn't be the first time you put yourself in danger for a risky plan that seemed impossible.

"All right. I'll give it a try."

1st December 2021

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