Silence: Eve of the Counterattack (3)

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~Your PoV~

"(Y/n) (L/n), can you answer me one question." the woman spoke. Her cold eyes looked directly into yours.

You didn't know what she wanted from you and her sudden question caught you off guard, so it took you a few seconds to answer. "Of course."

"Where were you before you turned eight?"

"What? What kind of question is that?" you reply.

"It's easy to answer, isn't it? So, (Y/n) (L/n)?"

"I was born and lived in Shiganshina," you reply briefly.

"Is that so?" she counters with a scornful undertone. What's all this about? Where else would you have been, and why would she care.

"Her statement is also to be doubted! The military police also made an investigation on (Y/n) (L/n). She is a complete stranger to us. We could not find out the names of her parents, her date of birth, or anything else. Therefore, her testimony cannot be believed!" she suddenly spoke.

Murmurs broke out in the courtroom.

"I ask the court to note that it does not matter whether I am a known person or not. I hope you have not forgotten that five years ago the wall fell and as a result, a series of documents have been destroyed. Moreover, I would like to point out once again that we are here to pass judgment on Eren Jäger and not to make wild speculations about witnesses," you say without letting yourself get upset.

"The credibility of witnesses is very much relevant to this trial," she counters.

Slowly, anger rose inside you. Who did she think she was? "I don't think we quite understood each other. If you don't like the testimony of any witnesses, why did you summon them? Maybe you should have looked for other witnesses then. Speaking of which, some other members of the 104th Cadet Corps can corroborate the testimony."

She was about to counterattack again but is interrupted by Commander Dawk. "Leave it at that, Gloria. It won't add up much anyway."

"I also want to say something!", it suddenly speaks from the ranks of the citizens, "Can it not be that these two girls are also such monsters! Both have shown aggressive tendencies! We should have those two dissected for safety!"

The military police have started something. Just as you are about to object again, Eren speaks up, "Please wait! I may be a monster, but they have nothing to do with this! (Y/n) and Mikasa are innocent!"

"How could we trust you?!" a citizen asks.

"But it's the truth!", Eren defends.

"They must be in cahoots!" another says.

"Be quiet!!! No, you're wrong! And anyway, you all just make assumptions that suit you! And you close your eyes to the truth. You all have never seen a Titan in your life. What are you so afraid of, huh?! What's the point of not letting those who have power fight?! If you're all too scared, fine! Then let me fight! You filthy cowards!"

"Excuse me?!"

"Be quiet!!! And bet everything you have on me!!!" Eren yells.

Everyone was shocked. Nobody dared to speak until Nile Dawk broke the silence. "Take aim! Now!" At his command, one of the soldiers points the weapon at Eren. Of course, he was ready to shoot immediately, should it be necessary.

But the shot never came, because someone did something unpredictable. Eren was hit by a kick that was so powerful that he lost his tooth, which was now lying on the floor of the court.

Everyone present, including you, was equally confused at the spectacle that presented itself. Corporal Levi of the survey corps was the one responsible for this. He gave Eren one kick after the other.

After the first kick, the second and the third followed immediately, and again and again, he kicked Eren. Everyone in the room was shocked, and no one knew exactly what was happening. Mikasa wanted to run to Eren and help him, but Armin stopped her.

After another powerful kick, Levi pressed Eren's head on the floor with his foot. Meanwhile, Eren's blood was flowing from his nose. You didn't even want to imagine all the pain he was in.

"You know, personally, I think pain is the best way to train someone. What you need right now is not education through words, but drill. And because you're squatting there on the ground, you're nice and easy to kick." The words barely left his mouth before he started again.

Eren was bleeding more and more from his mouth and nose. Truly not a pretty sight. Suddenly, you hear a noise next to you that sounds as if someone is suppressing the impulse to vomit. Turning in that direction, you see Felix kneeling on the floor, vomiting.

"Felix! What's wrong?" you ask as you kneel down next to him. He didn't answer and covered his mouth with his hand.

"A bucket quick!" you say as you realize it's not getting any better.

A few seconds later, a gentleman comes with a bucket. "Here!"

You take the bucket the man held out to you. "Thank you!". You place the bucket in front of Felix, who immediately leans over it. "Take it easy. You have to keep breathing.", you explain while gently patting him on the back.

"Now wait a minute, Levi!" Dawk says, uncertain after awakening from his rigidity, which made Levi stop.

"What is it?"

"That's too dangerous! What if he gets angry and turns into a titan?!"

The lance corporal kicks Eren hard in the face before replying, "What nonsense! After all, you were going to dissect the guy, weren't you? When he turned into a Titan, he supposedly killed 20 other Titans before running out of power. As an opponent, he may be more dangerous than the others because he has intelligence, but he's still no match for me! What about you guys? Those who tormented him had better think twice, are you really capable of killing him?"

"Sir. I have a question!", Erwin Smith speaks up, "There is still a lot we don't know. Eren's powers pose a threat, and that is why I propose to put Corporal Levi in charge of Eren and, furthermore, to go on an expedition with him behind the walls. To see if he can control his Titan power and if he can be of any use to humanity. Please judge, based on the outcome of this expedition."

"Take responsibility for Eren Jäger? Corporal Levi can you?", Zackly asks.

"I can definitely kill him. The problem is that there's nothing in between," he replies.

"My decision is made. The survey corps proposal is accepted!"

With these words, the trial was over.

29th August 2021

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