Devastated: What should we do now? (5)

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~Your PoV~

Surrounding you were enormous trees. The canopy was so thick that only very little sunlight could shine on the ground. Everything around you was fuzzy. You did not know where you were or why you were here. But you had the feeling that you were being followed.

You were riding your horse at a fast pace when suddenly you heard a voice from the side. It was a man, but you could not make out who it was. His face was somehow unclear.

"... Right Wing.... Completely wiped out..."

You could only understand fragments of what he was saying.

"Excuse me?!" you asked in a loud voice. Everything felt so far away.

"Scouting... Not possible..."

Again you don't understand him as you ride through this huge forest at an incredibly fast pace. You were scared. Your hands held the reins with trembling hands. Loud stamping could be heard behind you, which seemed to be getting closer and closer, but your field of vision was limited.

An icy chill ran down the back of your neck as the stamping became so loud that it pierced your eardrums. Your breath quickened. Your heart pumps at full strength. You turn to see what is going to emerge from behind the trees any second now. You hold your breath. It was too late. You don't manage to turn around. You don't know what's chasing you. All you hear is a loud desperate cry.



"(Y/n)...! (Y/n), wake up."

Someone shakes your shoulder. You jolt up slightly as you open your eyes. Petra was standing there, leaning over your bed, her face filled with worry. "You're finally awake. Is everything alright? You look like you've seen a ghost..."

You shook your head to wake up fully in the here and now. Your body felt somehow strange and your head hurt a little. Petra looked at you more and more worried with every second you didn't answer. You took a deep breath. "Yes, I'm alright. I just kind of had a weird dream." You were still a little out of it. The dream was blurry and the images incoherent, yet burned into your mind.

Petra leans back again with a relieved sigh. "I was worried that something was wrong. No matter how hard I was shaking you awake or calling you, you just didn't react. Did you overdo it with the training these days that it knocked you out like that?"

"Not that I am aware of." You sit up.

"'Still, take it easy today,' Petra says, 'We'd better get ready now so we're not late.'"

You nod before getting up and getting ready for the day. There wasn't too much going on all day. All the equipment was checked today in preparation for the expedition.

Your equipment was lying on the table in front of you, disassembled so that you could clean every single part to ensure that your ODM Gear remained operational.

"Just as important as training is checking your equipment regularly. You'll thank yourself on a mission if you're thorough now," Gunther says, looking over your shoulder, "What you're doing so far looks quite good."

That's what you spent the day doing today. Taking care of your equipment down to the smallest detail with the others in Levi's squad.

In the evening you walked across the courtyard. You didn't have a precise destination and just wanted to get some fresh air, when suddenly Reiner addresses you. "(Y/n). Do you have a minute?"

"What's up, Reiner?"

Reiner points with his thumb over his shoulder to an alley a little way off. Bertholdt was standing there. "We just wanted to have a short talk with you."

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