Special Night Training: 104th Cadet Corps (3)

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~Your PoV~

Like the others of your year, you headed to the training ground when it was time for night training.

"Okay, troops, let's start the special night training.", Commandant Shadis began, "This drill is different from your other training. It's not so much about individual ability, instead, it's going to test intra-squad cooperative skills and your tactical abilities. Squad assignments are as previously communicated. So, once you've made all your preparations, move to your designated locations. Let's go!"

You gather in the already assigned groups. Your group consisted of Sasha, Daz, Connie, Marco and of course you.

"I didn't follow exactly what he saying, but this sounds like a walk in the park... For a genius like me, anyway," Connie said calmly as he folded his hands behind his head.

Sasha, too, seemed more than confident. "Okay, this is different from our regular training, but just leave it to me. I know what I'm talking about when it comes to the forest."

Daz, who is standing next to you, was shaking as usual and muttering to himself: "Seriously, why do we have to train at this hour? I just want to go back to bed..."

"The instructor said he'd judge us on our cooperative skills. I wonder how well this is going to go ...," Marco asked himself more than his teammates.

"There's only one way to find out! Let's do this!", Connie decided for everyone before he shoots the anchors of his ODM gear into the trees and pulls himself up into the air.

Even so, you share the same opinion as Marco, you trot along after the others without a word.

In your opinion, you didn't necessarily get the best group for this training.

Connie bragged more than he did anything useful. He got into trouble most of the time. He was clearly too dim-witted to be the genius he believed himself to be.

Sasha had good intuition and knew her way around the forest like no other, however she wasn't really known for her teamwork skills and was more concerned with thinking about what to eat after training than with the training itself.

Marco was a good leader. Capable of knowing what to do quickly, he was able to get his comrades to work together. However, he was too gentle and soft-spoken to really assert himself. In your opinion, he was also a bit too idealistic.

And you didn't even need to think about Daz. He was completely useless. He preferred to whine rather than do anything. The only question that came to your mind when you saw him was why such a crybaby would even think about joining the military. Obviously, he had neither the skill nor the interest.

And as you and also Marco predicted, your group was not successful at all. You more or less stayed out of everything because you didn't feel like dealing with Sasha or Connie's stubbornness. You did whatever they said.

Your group tries for a good half hour, but you don't really work together and therefore don't succeed, so you decide to take a short break to discuss why you fail.

"Dammit, why isn't this working out? Everyone is pulling their weight...," Connie says, somewhat disappointed and completely lacking in understanding of the reasons for your failure.

"We ran out of gas and blades," Sasha says, before addressing Connie directly, "You've been using too much all this time, Connie!"

"When it comes to cooperation, this trigger-happy squad was doomed from the start, right?", Daz says sheepishly.

Marco was the only one actively looking for a solution. "If we continue like this, we'll be forced to split up. We have to do something..."

"First of all, we should get new gas and blades and then regroup," you suggest, having previously stayed out of everything.

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