Female Titan: The 57th Expedition Beyond the Walls (1)

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~Your PoV~

And with that, the day 57th expedition had come.

Everyone was getting their horses ready. Even now, so far from the gate, you could feel everyone's tension. You had to admit that you were a little tense too, but probably anything else would have been strange.

You tighten the strap of your saddle once more as your attention is interrupted by a loud argument.

"Listen, Mikasa. I don't need a babysitter to protect me all the time. I can survive just fine on my own."

"You keep saying that, Eren, but I still think you're too reckless. It's only a matter of time before something happens to you and I won't be there to protect you. Just... Just take my advice and be careful out there, okay?"

"I don't need your advice, Mikasa. Why can't you just understand that? I'm not your child, I don't need you to protect me. I'm perfectly capable of taking care of myself."

It was Mikasa and Eren who were arguing near the stables. This was nothing new. Mikasa wanting to protect Eren at all costs and Eren feeling infantilized. You walk up to the two of them. "He, what's all the commotion about?"

Mikasa turned her head towards you when she heard your voice. "Eren insists that I don't have to worry about him, but he always gets himself into trouble when I don't watch him."

You sigh. "That's the problem?"

"Yeah, that's the problem. She acts like I can't handle anything on my own and she always has to watch over me. I'm not a child.", Eren says, still clearly annoyed.

You cross your arms and look at Mikasa. "Mikasa, you should respect Eren's wishes more. You can't always protect him, and he needs to make his own mistakes to learn from them. You should trust him and his abilities a little more."

Mikasa looked down at the ground for a moment before nodding somewhat hesitantly. "I ... You're right. I will trust him more and try to be more considerate of his feelings."

"And Eren.", you turn to Eren, "Mikasa is just worried about you. You shouldn't be so mean to her over something like this. You should consider yourself lucky that there's someone who cares about you that much."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. I'm sorry I got so angry.... It's just annoying when she treats me like a child all the time though."

"Mikasa promised to tone that down a bit," your face turned back to her, "Right, Mikasa?"

Mikasa nodded again. A little more firmly now. "Yes, I will try my best to respect Eren's wishes and let him make his own decisions and face the consequences."

"See?" you turned back to Eren.

Eren was quiet for a moment and looked to the side. "I guess... I should probably apologize. I didn't mean to hurt Mikasa's feelings, I was just frustrated."

"It's alright. I apologize too," Mikasa said.

"Now that that's settled, we'd better get back to the Special Operations Squad, Eren," you eventually said.

Eren nodded. "Right. And thank you, (Y/n). You're always able to talk some sense into me."

"It's nothing." With that, you and Eren were about to head back to the rest of your unit, but Mikasa stopped you.

"Eren seems to be doing better again. It's thanks to you, isn't it? Armin told me you talked to him."

You remember your conversation with Eren from before again and shake your head. "Oh, I didn't really do anything."

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