Primal Desire: The Struggle for Trost (11)

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~Felix Altenberg PoV~

Jean ran out of the house again toward a dead soldier. He pulled and tugged on the gear, hoping to open the belt, but the buckle was stuck.

"I guess his equipment is really broken," Connie says.

A Titan runs up to him. Jean didn't stand a chance without his gear.

"We have to help him...!" Felix says, of course, the other two immediately agreed, and they head back to the battlefield. 

Felix's whole body was on fire. He knew he could never save Jean alone, but luckily Connie, and Annie were with him and he couldn't abandon Jean either, not after he put his life on the line to save him and Connie. Felix blamed himself. If only he had somehow distracted the Titan himself, Jean wouldn't be in danger now, but he just couldn't move then. Like before when his group was killed. He cursed himself for being such a coward.

Felix lands on a roof and runs from there to Jean. "H-Hey!" he calls out to the Titan in a timid voice, who has run up to Jean. The titan turns to face Felix. Face to face, he was standing in front of the Titan. His blood froze in his veins and he couldn't move a muscle, that was when Connie came from the other side. Connie pulled himself to the Titan's face and kicked it with his foot, this made the Titan turn its attention to Connie that made Felix wake up from his rigidity and move away from the Titan. 

Meanwhile, Jean had exchanged his gear with that of the dead man. But the trigger for the gas was stuck, so Jean had problems to stay in the air. But with a lot of effort, he finally made it to the wall.

"Felix, what are you waiting for? Get back on the wall!" Connie shouts to him as more Titan approached them.

Felix followed Connie and together with Jean, who almost got caught at the end, but Annie saved him, Connie and Annie arrive on the wall. 

Jean arrived the roughest and practically fell like a stone. It was a funny picture for Felix, as Jean is one of the best at using ODM gear. But the impressive thing was probably that he made it to the wall despite broken equipment. Felix would certainly not have been able to do it. He already had problems with non-broken equipment sometimes.

"Are you all insane?!", Jean snaps at the others as they all land on the wall.

"You're the one to talk...!" Felix says a little sheepishly, but the adrenaline was still pumping through his body, otherwise he probably never would have countered.

"Man, I almost shit my pants!" Connie says.

"Look over there," Annie remarks suddenly, as she looked in the direction of Trost.

From a distance, a rock-like object could be seen wrapped in smoke. Slowly it moved forward. "Is that Eren...?"

"Give Eren back up! Don't let the enemies get in his way!", Jean suddenly decides, as Felix still had to understand what was happening.

Jean jumps back down the wall. Connie and Annie follow him. Felix still stood there, perplexed, and could only watch as his comrades moved further and further away.

Had the mission succeeded in the end? Felix could hardly comprehend it. Was Trost really almost saved after all this torture. 

His thoughts drifted to his comrades. Connie, Jean, and Annie just stormed off again, shortly after they had almost all died. And Felix could once again only stay there and watch. You and Mikasa, for example, were out there the whole time with the rest of the elite unit. Whether you were still alive, Felix asked himself.

Cold tears suddenly run down his cheeks. "What am I supposed to do? Should I just run and hide while (Y/n) and the others die? I'm a coward!" He wipes away the freshly fallen tears with his sleeve.

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