Different Year, Same Drama

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The sorting ceremony would normally be exciting and fun but right now, it's taking forever and I'm exhausted. I don't really care about the first years this year. I just want to go to my dorm and be away from everyone. My father told me that Dumbledore will be there if I need anything but I don't even know the guy, it would be weird to ask him for help or to talk.

I'm sitting alone at the Hufflepuff table because for the sorting ceremony, you can't sit with the other houses. I don't really have any close friends in Hufflepuff so sitting here kind of sucks.

"You will be called up one by one and sorted in to one of the four houses. There is Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin."

I look around as McGonagall continues speaking and notice Regulus staring over at me. What the fuck?

I shake my head and look away. Maybe he's just staring off into space. That has to be what's going on...

I turn back to the Slytherin table to check if he's not staring anymore but of course with my luck, he is.

I roll my eyes and mouth "What do you want?" but he just shrugs his shoulders and turns his focus back to the sorting ceremony so I do the same thing.

"I'm going to the bathroom." I mumble to the guy sitting beside me and he nods. I can't be in here any longer. I'm not feeling very social right now and Regulus is confusing me so I think I'm going to go to bed.

Walking back to the Hufflepuff tower was peaceful. The school is so beautiful when the halls aren't full of pushing kids. The walls are so old and the pictures make everything come together. The place feels safe.

"Where do you think you're going, Scamander?" a voice comes from behind me. For fuck sakes, did she follow me?

"Can you just leave me alone?" I shout back without turning around or stopping.

"What? You don't want to talk to me?" She teases and continues to follow me.

"Obviously not."

"You know, Regulus doesn't think we should continue this little bantering thing we have going on." Bellatrix says.

"Why does he care?" I ask.

"He said because you lost your mother, we should leave you alone." Bella says. "But I disagree."

Of course she doesn't agree with him. That's only the decent thing to do when someone lost someone important to them.

"Whatever." I say. "Maybe you should listen to your cousin and leave me alone."

"I thought about it but I don't really want to." she says. I turn around to shout at her to leave me alone but when I turn around, I see her wand pointed at me.

"Really?" I say. Of course she would do something like this.

"Come on, Scamander." Bella teases. "Fight me."

"No." another voice calls out. "Bella, we talked about this."

"Regulus, this is the second time you're getting in my way tonight." Bella says.

"Put your wand away." Regulus demands.


"Okay but Dumbledore is on his way so if you want to get caught, continue." He says confidently.

"Fine." Bella says and then puts her wand down. "But next time you won't get so lucky."

"Just leave." Regulus demands. Bella scoffs and walks off.

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