Keeping The Shack A Secret

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Everleigh and I went down for breakfast but the guys weren't there yet. Lily was sitting at the table all by herself. I'm confused. I thought the guys would be here by now because Sirius made it sound like they'd be back in time for breakfast.

"Evans, we're here to save you from your loneliness." I sit down beside her and smirk.

"I was enjoying the silence until the noisey on her here." Lily shoved me off of the chair and both her and Everleigh laughs at me.

I pick myself up off of the ground and scowl at Lily before sitting across from her, beside Evie.

"That was mean Evans, that was mean."

"Don't sit beside me then." Lily says, and her and Evie laugh again.

"Why not? No one is sitting there and we're friends."

"I'm saving the spot for James." Lily says, ignoring the part where I said we're friends.

"Okay but we're friends right?" I ask again.

"Yes Regulus, we're friends. Jeez, someone is needy today."

"I know, he's been touchy all morning." Evie adds.

"Excuse me for being in a good mood today. I didn't think that was a bad thing."

"Reg, I love you but why are you in such a good mood today? We had a horrible night yesterday."

"Well to be fair, the night ended nice."

"Awh Reg, that was really sweet." Evie says teasingly.

"Do I want to know.. or is it one of those things I don't want to know?" Lily asks us.

"I slept in the Hufflepuff tower last night."

Lily scrunches up her face and Evie and I laugh.

"Nothing happened. We just slept but it was nice after the long day we had." I explain.

"Wait, that is actually kinda sweet Regulus. Woah, who knew you had a sweet side?" Lily teases me.

"Oh please, I have a soft side but she's the only one who gets to see it."

"Do you know where James is?" Lily asks us.

"No, he said he was going to meet with his friends before coming to breakfast." Everleigh says.

"Oh. Do you know who?" Lily asks.

"Sirius, Peter and Remus." Everleigh tells her.

"Okay so then within the next few days, they'll disappear for a day or two and come back with no excuse and no explanation." Lily says, rolling her eyes.

"Wait... they do that all the time?" Evie asks Lily.

"Yes, every time the four of them sneak off.. it happens again." Lily says.

"Have you asked him about it?" I ask her.

"Yes! Every single time I ask him, he says it's just something the guys do and he can't tell me."

"That's weird..." Evie says.

"I know... I don't know what to do. It bugs me that he won't tell me and he does it so often."

Lily starts playing with her hands and she looked like she was about to cry. I look to Evie and the two of us shrug our shoulders. We aren't sure what to do. Last time I tried to sit beside her, she pushed me off the bench.

"Lily... I'm going to come over there and sit beside you but you better not push me off the bench again." I tell her.

She lets out a soft chuckle and says, "I'm not going to push you."

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