Wedding Bells Part Two

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Everleigh opens the letter slowly and I watch her as she reads it to herself. Tears streaming down her face as she does it. I have no idea what's in the letter or really who it's from.

I want to ask who it's from or why she's crying but the way her and Lily were- it seemed important to her so I'll wait until she's ready.

"It's from my mother." She says to me, breaking the silence of just her sniffles.

"Your mother? I thought-"

"She wrote me a letter before she died. A letter for my wedding day."

"That was a really smart thing for her to do."

"It was." Everleigh says, smiling down at the letter. Then she does something I didn't expect, she hands me the letter. "Read it."

"A-are you sure?"

"Yeah, read it."


My sweet little girl.. if you're reading this, that means I didn't make it. I can't tell you how much I hope you never have to read this but if things come to this, I want you to have this on your wedding day.

You are my entire world kid. Your father and I love you with everything we have and I hope you two have been looking after each other. I am so sorry that I'm not physically there for you on your special day but I will always be there for you, in your heart.

I'm sure if you're getting married now, your father has approved of the guy and if your father approved, he must be a great guy. I'm happy for you kid.

So, you're getting married then. No idea what age you're at right now, or to who you are getting married to.. but whoever it is, I hope he's very good to you kid. You deserve the kind of love your father and I have. The real kind where even after years and years, your love only grows.

I hope you marry for love Everleigh because it's the best thing in the world... finding your person. Whoever this person you've chosen to spend the rest of your life with is, they better consider themselves lucky they have you.

I wish more than anything that I could be there with you today in person... but no matter what, I'll be there in your heart. I'll be looking down on your wedding my sweet girl.

I am so proud of you. I know things must have been hard for you and dad when I passed, but you are such a strong young woman and I couldn't be prouder of you.

If you ever need me, look for me in the earth around you. I'm always here for you, all you have to do is talk to me. I'll listen.

I love you so much Everleigh. You are my entire world.



"That is so-" I begin to say but she cuts me off.

"I'm so happy she wrote this." Everleigh says. "It makes me feel like she's here today."

"Oh baby, she is here with you today." I tell her. "She's always here with you."

She sniffles and wipes some tears away from her eyes as she nods her head. I pull her closer to me and kiss the top of her head.

"Did you get a dress?" I ask.

"Yeah and I think you're really going to love it." Evie smirks.

"Is that so?" I ask.


I lean down and kiss her again. When she pulls away, she peeks past me and sees the decorations. I see a smile tug on her lips.

"No peeking." I say, covering her eyes. "It's a surprise."

"But I want to see ittttt." She whines. "You're doing all the work. I should be doing more."

"No, you should be relaxing and getting ready for tonight. Let me do all of the work."

"Okay, if you insist."

"And I got Narcissa to come if you still need another bridesmaid."


"Yeah... So.. what should I tell her?"

"Tell her I have one extra dress and I'd love for her to be apart of the wedding."

"I'll do that." I say.

"Reg, are you writing vows? Because Lily is making me do it even though i'm convinced you aren't."

"The guys are making me write my vows down too." I say. "I was just going to wing it but I'm writing them."

"I was going to wing it too." Evie says. "But I guess it's good to have it written down in case we freeze up."

"That's a good way of looking at it."

"Yeah... okay, I should get back to Lily before she steels James from you."

"Probably a good idea but in all fairness, James isn't a whole lot of help. He's a goof."

"I believe that." Everleigh laughs as we watch James trip over his own feet and falls over right in front of everyone. Sirius laughs so loud he nearly falls over himself and Lily and Remus laugh at him too.

"Yeah, he's something else." Everleigh laughs.

"Evans, come take her back to your room to relax before the wedding before James gets too distracted that he's absolutely no help."

"Okay okay, I'm coming." Lily calls back to us after helping James back up to his feet.

"Come on girly, i'm steeling you from your fiance again until it's time to actually get married."

"Fineee." Everleigh sarcastically whines. "Bye Reg, I'll see you later... you know, when it's time to get married?"

"I love you and remember, she's with you right now.. she's with you always."

"I love you, see you soon."

Lily smiles as she takes my fiance's hand and pull her away from me and I watch as the two of them head back to the school until I can no longer see them.

"Dude, you're so in love with her." James teases. "She's gone now, come back to work."

"Oh shut it, James."  I say. "I have to go write Narcissa, I'll be back."

"We'll keep working here and making sure no one comes to ruin things." Remus says.

"Alright, and make sure James doesn't do anything stupid."

"I can't help that I'm always having fun and you all are boring." James jokes.

"Whatever, just don't mess things up yeah? If you fall, fall in the lake." I jokingly say.

"Fine, you're lucky I can swim because falling in the lake is going to suck."

"Alright James, have fun swimming then." I say as I walk back to the owlery.



Everleigh would love for you to be her bridesmaid and she bought an extra dress for you.

Come by the lake, I'll send the invisibility cloak with the dress with Severus. The cloak will help you get here without having to worry about Bella knowing so she doesn't ruin things.

I appreciate you coming and being apart of the wedding. It means a lot to me, okay?



I'm excited and nervous for this wedding. Excited because I'm marrying my best friend in the entire world and nervous because I don't want anyone to mess this up, especially my family.

Only a few more hours until I marry my beautiful best friend.

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