Care Of Magical Creatures

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I'm sitting in the great hall for breakfast with everyone but I haven't really spoken to the boys all week besides some small talk.

The day after I walked away from James at dinner, Sirius showed up for breakfast but Remus didn't. Something happened and they won't tell me and that kind of pisses me off. I didn't bring it up either. If they're going to keep secrets, then fine.

"I am not looking forward to care of magical creatures today." Sirius says to James and he laughs and nods in agreement.

"Me either." James replies. "I hate that class."

"Come on, that class is fun." Lily says. "All of the creatures are adorable."

"I find it boring." Sirius says. "I don't need to know how to take care of creatures. I already know everything I need to know."

"Okay so you know everything about all of the creatures, doesn't mean you can hate on the whole class. Some people really like that class." Lily says.

"I only know everything I need to know about the creatures I need to know about." Sirius says.

"And who actually likes that class?" Remus jokes.

"Everleigh does. It's her favourite." Regulus speaks up and all three guys look at me with surprise all over their faces.

"We're sorry, we didn't know." Sirius says.

"Yeah, sorry Everleigh." James says.

"It's fine." I reply dryly. "We all have our opinions."

"Why do you like that class though?" Remus asks. "I mean, how can you sit through it. It's so boring."

"Could you be any more of an ass?" Regulus says.

"What?" Remus asks.

"It reminds me of my parents. They both love creatures and my dad wrote the book you use in that class." I say.

"The Fantastic Beasts and Where To Find Them." Regulus says and smiles at me softly.

"Yeah, that one." I say proudly.

"Your dad wrote that?" Sirius asks. "That's so cool. Has he taken care of all of those creatures?"

"Yeah, all of them." I reply. "I even helped with some of them."

"What was your favourites to help with?" Lily asks.

"The niffler, they're adorable." I say.

"I would love to see a Niffler." Lily admits.

"You should come over in the summer and see them. We have a few at my house."

"What? Really?" Lily asks excidedly.

"Yeah, my dad won't mind if you come over. He'll even teach you how to handle them. He loves teaching people about his creatures."

"That sounds fun! I'd love to come over." Lily says.

"Why doesn't your dad become a teacher? He could teach care of magical creautres." James suggests.

"He thought about it but there wasn't time last year." I reply.

"Right." James mumbles.

"I wish I had that class today." I say. "I miss it."

"What class do you have? Maybe we can switch." Sirius jokes.

"I have defense against the dark arts with Reg." I say. "Actually, we should get going Reg. I need to stop by the owlery before we go to class."

"Okay." Reggie says. He stands up and grabs his stuff to come with me, no questions asked.

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