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I wake up the next morning on the couch, my back aching a little from the uncomfortable position.

"Good morning sleepy head." Everleigh whispers.

"Hey Hufflepuff, good morning."I reply. "Where's Drom?"

"She went to meet with Ted early this morning."

"What time is it?"

"Almost lunch time." Everleigh says. I sit up fast and look around. It's already lunch time. I slept in too late.

"Relax Reg, we aren't going to class today."

"I thought you said we can't miss anymore." I mumble.

"I changed my mind." She innocently says. "You looked so tired and peaceful. I couldn't wake you up."

"So I did all of that work last night for nothing."

"Oh shut up, we'll go next week." She laughs. "I just wanted to stay with you until you leave."

"Okay." I whisper.

She has a smile painted on, it's clearly not her real smile but I guess she's just trying to stay positive.

"It's just a meeting love, I'm sure it won't be as bad as we're thinking." I tell her, with hopes that it eases some of her fear.

"I'm not even worried about the meeting."

"Then what are you- oh."

"They're going to be there Reg... what happens after that?"

"I don't know, I'm hoping nothing."


"I know, but I can hope."


She lays her head on my chest and I glance down at her hand. She's still wearing the promise ring.

"Hey, can you go grab some food from the kitchens and we can eat here? I'll get dressed and clean up a bit."

"Yeah, sure." She says, jumping out of bed and throwing on a hoodie. "Do you want anything specific or?"

"Just anything." I say.

"Alright, I'll be back."

When she leaves, I check outside for my owl. Not here yet... maybe he got lost on the way. He's usually back in the morning. I hope he's just running a little late.

I make the bed and pick up some of the dirty clothes that's on the ground.

Since we're not going to class, I throw on sweatpants but don't bother with a shirt.

By the time I'm done that, I sit back down on the bed. A moment later my owl comes flying in.

Shit, she's going to be back any moment.

"Come here." I say to the owl. It lands by its cage. I take the letter from him, give him a treat and go to the bed to read it before Evie gets back.



I agree with you that Everleigh deserves the best and that is why I'm giving you the family rings.

These are the engagement rings that me and her mother wore. She'll know that when she sees them so make sure to hide them until you're ready.

I know I've already told you this but you do have my blessing.

My daughter deserves every bit of happiness and I haven't seen her as happy as she is with you in a very long time. I can't thank you enough for being that person for her.

Brothers ~ A Regulus Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now