The Meeting

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When I get to my house, it's barely recognizable. It was filled with death eaters. Some that I've never seen before and others that I recognize. I find Lucius, Bellatrix and Severus hanging in the corner and I sneak by so none of them see me. Obviously I can't avoid them forever but I can hold off until I have to give in.

I find my mother and father and go over to them. This may be the last place I want to be but at least I know my parents and can go over to them. They aren't going to give me a hard time about this because they're proud of me. My cousin and her friends though? I'll never hear the end of this. They are not going to let me live this down.

"Regulus, nice of you to finally join us." My mother says.

"Sorry, was running a little late." I say.

"It's not like you had school that you went to." My mother snaps. "Your aunt mentioned that you didn't go today."

"Yeah.. sorry I was just having a personal day."

"Sounds like you have a lot of personal days these days."

"I'm sorry." I mumble. "I'll stop skipping class."

"Yes, you will." My father chimes in.

"I'm sorry." I say again.

"Stop apologizing and just do it Regulus." My father snaps. Instead of saying anything, I drop my head. He doesn't want me to talk. He wants me to listen. He just wants to be mad at me.

My aunt comes over and says hi to me again, and then talks to my parents while I stand behind them.

"Alright you guys, get inside and sit down in the dining room. He's here." My father instructs and they all listen.

Here goes nothing.

I enter the hall and sit down beside my mother and father. Severus gives me a sad expression when he sees me, Bella and Lucius smirk at me.

Fucking Severus.

If Lily knew that he was here, she'd be pissed. Lily and Everleigh trust him. I trusted him yet he's right here.

Then something unexpected happened. Well, not really. I had a feeling but I was hoping I was wrong.

Peter walks in and sits down on the chair right across from me. He looks at me with shock and then looks away.

"I'm glad that you're all here now. Even our young new comers." Voldemort begins. "We should all say thank you to the Black family for inviting us to have the meeting in their place."

Yeah, as if he's actually trying to be... nice? Decent? I don't believe it for a second.

"Now, we're going to go over the missions I have for some of you."

I look at Peter and then to Severus. Fucking assholes. I'm extremely pissed off that they're here. I'm sure they had a choice to be here.

"Severus, Lucius, Peter and Regulus." He begins. "I'm going to need you to do some spying at school and some recruiting. Our numbers need to be higher and I think more young students would be interested in joining."

"So we just get more people to join us?" Peter asks Voldemort.

"Do I need to write it out for you, Wormtail?" Voldemort asks. "Yes, I know your nickname your little friends give you. Just do what I tell you."

Voldemort looks to Severus and Lucius, both of them nod to let him know they understand. Then he looks to Peter and he nods. Then he looks to me. Both of my parents are looking at me too.

"Yes sir, I understand." I say and he smiles at me.

"Right answer." Voldemort says. Both of my parents are smiling ear to ear proudly. "The only right answer."

He continues giving out more assignments and then he calls the meeting to an end.

My parents are the first people to speak to me.

"Good job Regulus." My mother whispers in my ear. "You did so well."

"You did really well." My father says, patting my back.

"Thanks." I mumble.

"Don't fail him with the task." My mother says. "It's an honour that he gave you a task so early."

"I won't fail him." I tell my mother. "I won't fail you guys."

"Glad to hear that." My father says. "We've had enough failures in this family already."

"Yes, I know." I mumble.

"Go and talk with your peers." My father says.

I turn to see Severus and Lucius standing across the room from me. I don't know where Peter is. I see Bella talking to her mother.

I walk over to Severus, right to him and shove him.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?" I snap at him. Not loud enough that it'll draw attention but so that he gets the message.

"Look.. it's not what it looks like-"

"What the fuck are you doing here?" I repeat.

"Lucius offered me this chance-"

"Chance." I repeat. "You had a choice, right?"

He doesn't answer.



"You don't go near Lily." I demand. "Or Everleigh for that matter."

"If you haven't noticed, you're in the same position as I am."

"No, our positions aren't the same." I snap. "You had a choice."

He doesn't respond. Instead he just stares at me.

"I mean it. Stay away from the girls." I warn him.

I walk away so I can go find Peter because I need to have a fucking word with him too. I guarantee my brother and my friends don't know about him.

I turn the corner to find him but he wasn't there- instead, I found Voldemort talking to my Aunt.

"Did you hide the- you know, horcrux in my place?" Voldemort asks my aunt.


What the fuck is that?

It must sound serious if he isn't telling anyone but my aunt about this. 

"I need a house elf or some creature that can help me hide one." Voldemort asks my aunt.

"I may have one. I'll figure something out and get back to you."

"Good, don't take too long." Voldemort demands.

I got out of there before either of them could notice me listening in on their conversation. I didn't find Peter but I can find him at school tomorrow.

I say goodbye to my parents and head back to school.

Back to my fiancé.

My beautiful fiancé.

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