Inside The Slytherin Common Room

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Evie and I are sitting in the Slytherin common room. She's laying beside me while we both work on some of the school work that we're very behind on. She's been staying in the Slytherin common room so much that people don't even question it anymore... except for my cousin and her little ghoul friends. They still make a scene every time they see us in the common room or when we enter the room to go to my dorm.

"Awh, look what we have here guys." A familiar voice says, coming up behind us. Neither of us even need to turn around to know who it is though. "Someone's not in her regular common room, what do we do about that?"

"We should inform Professor Slughorn that Regulus is allowing other students to stay here." Lucius says in a snarky tone.

"Do whatever makes you feel better." Everleigh says, not even bothering to look up from her homework.

"You don't belong here." Bellatrix says.

"Okay, thanks for that." Everleigh replies. "You can be on your way now."

I must admit, I'm kind of impressed with how she's been handling Bellatrix and Lucius.

"Come on guys, she's clearly not going to leave. We shouldn't waste our energy on them." Narcissa says to her sister and boyfriend. I turn and smile at her gratefully at my cousin for trying to get them to walk away from us.

Of course it wasn't that easy though.

"Oh, come on Narcissa." Lucius says to her. "We're not going to give up and let her stay here."

"No, I know that... I'm just saying we shouldn't just let her stay here but clearly this isn't working." Narcissa stutters. "She doesn't even care."

"You're right, Cissy." Bellatrix says to her. "We can find another way to get rid of her."

Her voice sounds threatening, dangerous. I'm not sure exactly what that could mean but I'm really hoping it's not what I'm thinking.

She better not even try to hurt Everleigh.

"Bye." I say to them when they finally walk away from us. Narcissa gives me one more smile before following them. I watch as Lucius throws an arm around her shoulder and the walk together.


"That was fun." Everleigh jokingly says once they're gone.

"You were a total bad ass." I tell her. "And it was very hot."

Evie turns away but I notice she's smiling.

"Ha, you're blushing." I tease her and she pushes me playfully.

"Oh shut up."

"You done with your homework?" I ask her. She looks at me like I'm dumb for even asking before saying, "Regulus, we've skipped so much class and you're really asking if I'm all caught up? It's only been like an hour."

"I didn't ask if you were caught up, I asked if you were done working on it."

"Oh." She mumbles. She looks back at her work and then back to me. "Sure, I could use a break."

"Good, come here." I say. She smiles before sitting up and facing me. I pull her by her chin and kiss her.

She gives in immediately and kisses me back. Her arms moving so that one is around my neck and the other is laying gently on my lap. 

I move my hands to her waist, pulling her closer to me until she's basically sitting on my lap. She groans into the kiss as they start to get messier -

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