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James and Lily said that they would walk in to the great hall with us and Reggie and I told them if they want to put themselves on the line with us, then okay. Sirius is going to be so mad at James for knowing about us and not telling him.

Lily and James are walking in front of us because I'm all of a sudden very nervous. If he blows up on us in front of the entire school, it'll be horrible.

"What if he's really angry at us...?" I ask Reggie, really quietly so that James and Lily don't hear. Reggie smiles at me after asking that and takes my hand.

"Everleigh, are you worried about Sirius yelling at you or are you worried about him not accepting us?" Regulus gently asks.

"I guess I'm worried that he will say we can't be together and he will make me chose between you and him."

"I'll be right here the entire time, right beside you." Regulus says.

I smile. I'll be fine, i'll be completely fine. What reason would Sirius have to really be mad at me? I didn't do anything. We didn't do anything wrong.

We're now right outside the door of the great hall and suddenly i'm less nervous and more excited. We're telling our friends that we're together, that we like each other and we are happy. That should not be something that we are scared to tell people.

"You two ready?" James asks from in front of us.

"Are you? He could be more mad at you than us" Regulus jokes.

"We're ready." I say, ignoring Regulus and his jokes.

Lily pushes open the door and the four of us begin to enter the great hall. Reg is still holding my hand which makes this so much less nerve wracking. As we walk towards our table, I look over to the Slytherin table to see Bellatrix angrily ranting to Lucius, Severus and Narcissa. I guess she's not too happy about this. I didn't even think of how she might react because I was so focused on Sirius.

"Your cousin isn't happy." I mumble to Regulus but he's already smiling about it.

"I know, it's hilarious." Reg replies.

I look over to the Gryffindor table where Remus and Sirius are sitting and take a deep breathe. Here we go.

James and Lily sit down beside Sirius on one side of the table and Reggie lets go of my hand and let's me sit down first. I slide down the bench and sit beside Remus.

The four of us wait for some kind of reaction but neither of them noticed... or they don't care at all.

"So..." James begins. "What did we miss?"

"Nothing really. Sirius was still going on about the quiddich game." Remus responds.

"He doesn't play the game but he does love to watch the matches." Reggie says.

"I've noticed." I say.

"What took you four so damn long to get here?" Sirius asks us.

"We were at the lake." Lily explains. "it takes some time to get from the lake back to the school."

"And Reg wouldn't stop kissing Evie." James blurts out. "Kind of slowed us down."

Remus' head shot up from his plate so fast and Sirius paused. Very subtle James.

"What- Uh, I think I heard you wrong James." Sirius says.

I reach over to Reggie and take his hand in mine under the table. Suddenly, all of the nerves are back and I'm not ready for this.

Brothers ~ A Regulus Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now