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I wake up in the morning beside Everleigh and I smile. I could wake up to her every morning. Then I hear scratching at the window and I just know that it's not something good. It's never good when I get mail because it usually means that my mother or father is trying to get a hold of me. And that is never good.

I quietly roll out of bed, careful not to wake up Evie and move to the window where the bird won't stop pecking.

I open the window and take the letter from the bird and close the window again.

I stare at the letter in my hand for a moment before daring to open it. I'm a little nervous to open it. What could they possibly want this time? I have done everything they asked up to this point. Why can't they just leave me alone for a little bit while I deal with everything on my own. Well... not fully on my own. With Evie of course and my brother.

When I finally work up the nerve to open it, I sit down on the bed carefully.


The dark lord needs to speak to you about some important mission. He hasn't told me about what it is about and he won't. You need to come home next Friday because we're having a meeting at our house. The dark lord will tell you what he needs from you after the meeting.

Do not tell anyone about the meeting or your mark. I'm sure you know that by now but still need to remind you.

Your father will meet you outside of the house and walk with you inside to the dining room where the meeting is being held. Lucius and Bellatrix will be there too in case you three haven't talked to each other about it yet.

See you on the weekend.


Great. I get one day to spend it with my friends before he ruins my mood and wants me to come back to my own house for a meeting.

And even worse, my cousin and Lucius will be there. I didn't want to tell them for a very long time, as long as I could go without telling them. I didn't think I'd be forced to tell them either before Friday or Friday.

I sit on the end of the bed with the letter in my hands. I'm staring at it. What did I get myself into?


I wake up and notice Reg isn't laying down beside me or reading like he usually does when he gets up before me. He's sitting at the end of the bed and immediately I can tell something is wrong because he's hunched over and looks tense. 

I push the covers off of me and crawl over to him, wrap my arms around him from behind and whisper "You okay Slytherin?" to him. He leans his head against mine and forces a smile.

"Reg, what's wrong?"

Instead of responding though, he just hands me the piece of parchment in his hand. It's a letter from his mother. I don't even know if I want to read it.

But I do because whatever it says is clearly bothering him. I can't help if I don't know what it says.

"Is it the fact that they want you back there so soon or because Bellatrix and Lucius will be there?"

"Both." Regulus mumbles.

I don't say anything. I just hug him again. I don't know how to do this.. he's going through so much.

"When they find out, it won't be long until my brother and everyone else finds out." He continues.

"They wouldn't tell them, would they? In the letter it says you aren't supposed to tell anyone."

Brothers ~ A Regulus Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now