By The Lake

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Once we're all at the lake, Lily sat down and dangled her feet in the cold water. I sat down beside her while the boys set up a blanket. Apparently James doesn't want to sit on the grass so he made sure to grab a blanket.

"So, Remus told you about him too then?" Lily asks me. Until then, the only sound I could hear was the water hitting the side of the rocks by the lake.

"No, I figured it out on my own." I tell her. "Once a month he disappears and doesn't come back for two days, and then he looks rough."

"I thought James may have told you." Lily mumbles quietly so the boys don't hear her.

"He didn't tell me." I repeat so she knows i'm telling the truth.

"Remus says there's another reason why James and the others go with him but I'm nervous to ask him why that reason is."

"Just ask him Lily. He'll tell you and i'm sure it's not that bad."

"I'm worried that it's something bad though." Lily whispers. "Something dangerous."

"James? Dangerous." I ask him and we both look over right when he does a back flip and fall on his ass. Lily and I both laugh, along with the boys who are also watching James be an idiot.

"Yeah, you may be right about that. He doesn't have a dangerous bone in his body." Lily says while she laughs.

"He's a big goofball." I add.

"I know I always assume things when it comes to you and James. I mean, this is the second time now.. but it doesn't have anything to do with you." Lily begins. "It's just- before we got together, James was known for getting around and so many girls like him and sometimes I worry that he'll fall for you because you're so amazing."

"Lily, you really don't have anything to worry about with James and I. I promise you." I say. "I'm with Regulus. I'm so in love with Regulus that I can't even think of anyone else that way.. and even if I didn't have Reg, I think of James as a brother and I could never do that to you."

She smiles and then turns back to look at the boys again.

"I'm glad you and Regulus found each other. He's been really different since you came along." Lily says. "Sirius too, they both seem happy. Sirius is so glad his brother is happy and so happy he gets another chance to know him."

"Reg feels the same way about Sirius." I add. "He wants to do the right thing so that he can be like his brother. He really looks up to Sirius."

"We got lucky with being friends with them." Lily says. "Even though they're a lot of work most days."

"I agree." I say. "Thanks for inviting me to sit with you and introducing me to them."

"We've been friends for years, I was surprised that you guys never became close until recently." Lily admits.

"I always thought they were a bit full of themselves before I met them."

"And now?" Lily asks.

"Now I know they are full of themselves." I say and we both laugh. "I just love that about them."

"James is pretty arrogant and I used to hate that about him." Lily adds. 

"Oh, I remember you complaining about him 24/7. That's partly why I didn't like him. You made him sound so annoying."

"My bad." Lily says sarcastically.

I feel someone wrap their arms around me and judging by the ring on his fingers, I know it's Regulus.

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