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I went to class early today hoping to speak to Regulus and apologize for my attitude yesterday. I sit down outside the class and wait but he didn't show up early. Slughorn came and let us all in, and he still didn't show up. He wasn't coming today. I sat down at our spot and started working but it was hard to do the whole potion by myself. Why wasn't he here?

"Miss Scamander, any idea where your partner may be?" Professor Slughorn asks me.

"No, why would I know where he is?" I ask.

"Just curious." He explains. "I'll have to get him to make this potion tomorrow."

Why does he think I would know where Regulus is?

"Now, let me check your potion." He says before looking down to check out my work.

"How did I do?" I ask him.

"Not bad. Apparently you don't need a partner at all."

"Thanks Professor, but Regulus needs my help with the potions. That's why you partnered us up."

"I suppose." He says. "If he ever gets too much to handle, let me know and I'll reassign him."


Truth is, I don't want a new partner. No one else in this class is from my house or are my friends... Regulus and I at least have an understanding.

"So tomorrow we will be studying for your first test." Professor Slughorn continues.

I can't believe Regulus didn't show up and allowed me to do the whole thing by myself. I wanted to apologize... maybe I'll find him at lunch.


I walk straight to the great hall for lunch hoping I'll find Regulus somewhere. I want to talk to him and now I'm starting to worry. It's weird not seeing him. I got so used to seeing him every day in class.

"Hey Everleigh, come sit with us." Remus says. I turn to see Lily, James, Sirius and Remus sitting at the Gryffinfor table.

"I-" I say, turning to check the Slytherin table to see if he's there. He's not. Sirius' eyes follow mine and I hear him sigh.

"She would rather be with Regulus." He grunts.

"Sirius... that's not it at all." I try amd explain.

"I'm sure that you were just looking over to the Slytherin table for someone else." He adds. "Because apparently you're friendly with them."

"What... what are you talking about?"

"Come on, Everleigh. I've seen you stare off at the Slytherin table all the time. Every meal. You look right at my brother." Sirius says.

"It's not like that Sirius. I told you we're just partners in potions."

"Sure, just partners." He mumbles.

"Sirius, come on. She's telling you how it is and you're not believing her." James jumps in.

"James, stay out of this." Sirius shouts, catching the attention of a few people around us.

"Sirius, I promise you that we're just partners in potions." I repeat.

"Funny how I don't believe you." He shouts.

I don't even know what to say right now. Nothing I say will get him to believe me.

"Sirius..." I cry. His eyes harden and everyone else all of a sudden looks worried.

"Is everything okay...?" I hear a voice behind me ask. It's Regulus. I can see the pure hatred in Sirius expression.

Brothers ~ A Regulus Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now