Separate Ways

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I wait in Regulus room for him to come back from meeting with the literal devil. It's taking way longer than I thought it would and I'm getting bored.

I stand up and start walking around his room and look around.

His room is so clean yet you can see where his clothes are from this morning that are thrown on the floor. His books are all neatly on his shelf in alphabetical order but his small container of book marks are scattered along the top shelf. His bed isn't made but the bedside table is clean with only his clock on it with the book we were reading before he left.

I'm standing in the middle of his room and staring at the ring that's on my finger. I thought back to the conversation with him this morning and how he said this was a promise ring. A promise ring that I would never lose him, that I'll always be his favourite person.

It made my heart melt but it also felt oddly like he was saying even if something bad happens, he'll never forget me.

I can't lose him, even the thought of losing him makes me want to curl up on the bed and stay there forever.

I felt myself starting to panic but it was cut short by the sound of four steps outside the door. I straighten and back away from the door as the footsteps stop outside the door. The door knob starts turning and my heart rate picks up again.

It could be Regulus but it could be another Slytherin and if it is another Slytherin, they aren't going to be happy with him being here.

Whoever it was on the other side pushed open the door and began to enter.

I calmed the moment I saw Regulus. He closes the door fast and crosses the room, pulling me on to his chest. I melt immediately into his arms and he holds me tight.

He seems tense but I'm guessing that's just how one would feel after meeting with Voldemort. I can't imagine it would be very fun. 

"Do you want to talk about it right now or do you want to wait and talk tomorrow?" I whisper, not letting go of him.

"Not yet." Regulus responds, continuing to hold me tightly.

I nod. Regulus isn't someone who likes to talk about how he's feeling. Sure he's been opening up to me more but I don't want to push him.

"I'm just glad to be home." Regulus whispers softly. I smile uncontrollably at that comment.

We stand there, holding each other for a long while in silence.

Regulus' breathing was heavy but he never once let go of me while we stand there together. I don't want him to let go of me because I know once he does and we talk about what went down.. it could be bad news. Judging by the way he's acting right now, it is bad news.

When he finally lets go and backs away from me, I notice his eyes. He looks broken and scared.. it's a new look that makes me want to hold him and never let go. He sits down on the end of his bed and lets out a long sigh.

"How bad is it?" I ask when I am sure my voice will sound steady.

It didn't but he didn't seem to notice.

"Bad." He replies quietly, avoiding my eyes. "Very bad."

"Tell me what happened." I carefully demand. I have to keep reminding myself not to push him too much, but make sure he tells me what happened.

"He knew my parents want me to join him and that I don't want to." Regulus says, his eyes focused on his hands in his lap.

"Was he angry that you don't want to?" I ask, moving closer to him and crouching down to his level, taking his hand in mine gently.

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