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Once Regulus and I returned to the school, we both knew we needed to speak to about what happened at my place. He kissed me but I kissed him back. I didn't mean to do this.. I didn't mean to get my feelings in the way of our friendship. I really like him but I don't want things to go wrong and lose him. He's my best friend.

"So I guess we should talk." I say, awkwardly standing there outside the school by the lake.

"Or we could not talk." Regulus smirks, stepping closer to me and putting his arm on the back of my neck to guide my face closer to his.

"Reggie, we do need to talk about this at some point." I mumble in between his kisses.

"We can at some point." He says, kissing my neck.


"We're not doing anything more until we talk, are we?" He asks, smiling at me while I try to collect myself enough to tell him to stop again.


"Okay, let's talk then Evie." Reggie says, sitting down on the grass by the water. I sit down beside him on the grass and life my knees up to my chest.

There was a long pause of silence before either one of us spoke. I don't know if I should tell him right now that I like him or say that I don't like him... I really don't want to mess up our relationship.

"I wasn't planning on telling you this but since I kissed you.. I guess I should just tell you." Regulus quietly says. "I- I like you Evie. I really like you.."

He... he what? He likes... me?


He likes me.

"This is the part where you say something.. where you say anything." Reggie mumbles, obviously starting to feel weird that he said that and I'm not saying anything.

"Reggie, I didn't know you felt that way..." I begin. "I- I like you too but I didn't want to tell you. I was scared if I told you... things would change too much and I- I'd.."

"What? Evie, tell me." Reggie says as he reaches over and gently grabs my hand.

"I was scared that I'd lose you.. and you're my best friend. I can't lose you." I whisper, wiping some of the tears that fell from my eyes.

"Awh Evie.. you could never lose me. You're my best friend too, you know that right?"

"I know." I mumble.

"Do you want to be more than friends? I mean I really like you and I want to be more than friends if you want to give it a try."

"I want to give it a try too.."

Regulus smiles, and it wasn't one of his fake smiles that he puts on to make people believe everything is okay. I know the difference between them by now and this one is a genuine one. The two of us sit by the water for a little bit longer, hand in hand and my head on his shoulder.

I can't help but wish this moment will last forever and I don't even care how cliche it sounds.


I kissed Evie.. knowing that she may not feel the same way about me and not knowing how she felt after I kissed her was torture. I didn't want to be the one to say how I feel first because if she doesn't like me back, I could lose her and she's my best friend.. I can't lose her.

But she's apparently more stubborn than me because I was the one to say it first.

We're now sitting together by the lake, her tiny hand in mine and her head rested on my shoulder. I don't think I've ever felt this.. happy.

Brothers ~ A Regulus Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now