Truth Hurts

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Things soon went back to normal after that day that Regulus and I spoke in the hall. The next time Bellatrix came up to me, Severus didn't stop it and Regulus didn't jump in. Not that I expected them too but it definitely shows how they never cared. Severus was just using me for information on Lily and Regulus... I still haven't figured out. Maybe good grades?

Part of me is disappointed that it seems like they were just using me, mostly Regulus because we seemed to be in a good place. I thought maybe we were getting somewhere.


"Ah, look who it is." Bellatrix says as her, Lucius and Severus approach me. "It's the blood traitor, and look at that, she's alone."

"You know.. you spend a lot of time alone." Lucius says. "Do you even have friends?"

"Not that it's any of your business, but yes I have friends." I snap.

"That's funny, we've never seen you with people." Lucius says, he's got an evil look on his face. "Well, no one that would be considered worthy of someone who is pure blood."

"And what gives you the right to decide who is worthy and who isn't?" I snap.

"Simple." He pauses. "Because I'm worthy. I'm pure blood and that Evans girl you hang out with is not."

I wanted to punch him in the face right at that moment. How dare he speak about Lily like that and say she isn't worthy? She is the most caring and intelligent person I know.

I notice Severus shake his head at me in the slightest and right before I could call him a coward and then shout at Lucius, I was interrupted.

"Oh look who it is." James says, walking up beside me. "Your cousin, Sirius."

"Everything okay here Everleigh?" Remus asks me, standing on the other side.

"Yeah, they were just doing their usual." I say.

"And what's that?" James asks.

"Being entitled and full of themselves." I say and the guys beside me go 'ohhh' and high five me.

"What's going on over here?" Another familiar voice says from behind me and the guys.


I turn my attention to Sirius subtly and notice he looks angry now. Just from the sight of his brother...

"A family reunion." Sirius growls.

"A very unwanted one." Bella adds.

"What a shame." Regulus says. "We have a lot to catch up on."

"No, we don't." Sirius snaps. I look over at James and he gives me an awkward smile. At least I'm not the only one feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"We were just asking Everleigh here if she has any friends who are worthy." Lucius starts back up. 

"Of course she does." Regulus says and I snap my head towards him. What is he doing?

"Now I'm curious." Bella says. "Who?"

Regulus pauses and I know he's trying to figure out what to say next. He can't tell them that we've spoken.

"Well-" Regulus stutters.

Great, now I have to fix his mess. Sirius is going to be mad at me and they'll be mad at him if he continues with whatever he was about to say.

"Don't get confused Regulus. We're partners in potions because Slughorn is making us. We are not friends." I jump in.

His face as the words came out of my mouth, looked absolutely crushed... but why?

I'm not lying...

"Right." Regulus says. "Then, yeah you're right Bella." He says before walking off.

I look to James and he gives me a sad expression, then to Sirius who is frowning.

"You'll have to excuse my cousin, he's clearly got something going on that's clouding his judgment." Bella explains. "He knows we are too worthy to be friends with a blood traitor."

"Whatever Bella." I say. "When are you going to realize no one actually cares."

I probably shouldn't have said that because she glared at me before walking by.. which means things are going to get worse for me. I should have been more careful with my wording but I was a little confused as to why Regulus acted the way he did. That was very out of character, even for him.


I was heading back to my common room after dinner when I notice Everleigh, James, Sirius, and Remus standing by Bella, Severus, and Lucius. I'm not sure what's happening but I know it can't be good.

"What's going on over here?" I interrupt as I walk over to them.

"A family reunion." Sirius growls.

"A very unwanted one." Bella adds.

"What a shame." I say. "We have a lot to catch up on."

"No, we don't." Sirius snaps.

"We were just asking Everleigh here if she has any friends who are worthy." Lucius starts back up. 

"Of course she does." I say before even thinking. Everleigh snaps her head in my direction and I know I messed up.

Who am I going to say? It's not like I can say me. I mean, we aren't really friends.

"Now I'm curious." Bella says. "Who?"

I froze. Who am I supposed to say?

"Well-" I stutter. Luckily, Everleigh jumps in.

"Don't get confused Regulus. We're partners in potions because Slughorn is making us. We are not friends." She says.


I wonder if she actually means it or she's just saying it because I messed up... I hope she doesn't mean it.

"Right." I says. "Then, yeah you're right Bella." I turn on my heel and walk away. I don't really know what to think about what she said. For some reason it kind of hurt.

I want to get away from her and my brother... I can feel his glares and judgmental looks as they watch me react to her words.

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