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Everleigh (Weeks After The Sorting Ceremony)

Classes have been decent and not too stressful lately but I've spent a lot of my free time avoiding Bellatrix and her gang of Slytherins. Even though Regulus told Bella to stop and leave me alone, they haven't. It's worse than every other year. Any other year they would only pick on me if the opportunity was presented but this year it's like they're around every corner waiting for me.

Trying to avoid them is getting exhausting and almost impossible. Then, when they do find me they either call me slurs like blood traitor or knock my books out of my hands and when I go down to pick them up, they shove me.

Lily has noticed too and she's worried but I told her not to get involved in this. I know if she gets involved, things will get bad for her. Bellatrix would start doing shit to her because she's muggle born. I can handle it.

The only thing is I miss my mother. Every other year, I would write her a letter and tell her about what is happening and she would write back with encouraging words. This year I don't have that.

Maybe I should write to my father.. but he would probably react differently than my mother. It might not be a good idea to write to him yet.


Bella didn't listen to me at all when I told him to leave Everleigh alone. If anything, I think it made things worse for her that I got involved.

I've seen Bella go after her after classes and chase her down the halls yelling.

I've seen her knock Everleigh's books and then shove her when she goes down to pick them up.

I even witnessed Lucius trip her while she was walking with Lily.

Severus doesn't necessarily get involved in all of this but he's not saying anything to stop them either. Although I'm not doing anything to stop them either... but when I tried it made things worse. I don't want to make things worse for her.

I hate that they're now going out of their way to make her life miserable now. They were never that bad before I got involved.

"I'm just saying, isn't there anything you can do to get them to stop?" I ask Narcissa.

"Why do you care, Regulus?" She asks. "Besides, you know I can't change my sisters mind."

"I don't care." I mumble but she sees right through that. "Okay, yeah I care because it's wrong to do this when she's grieving over her mother."

"Yeah, it feels wrong to me too." Narcissa agrees. "But again, nothing I can do."

"Thanks anyway." I say. "Maybe I'll try and do something if things get worse."

"You're such a good guy, Reg." She says. "Who would've guessed."

"Oh fuck off." I laugh.

No matter what happens with our families, Narcissa and I have always gotten along. She's very loyal to her sisters, even when they don't deserve it. The thing about Narcissa is she's kind and doesn't necessarily believe in what our families do but she's also too afraid to be herself. I mean, we all saw how that went for Serius and none of us want that to happen to us.

None of us have another place to go to like he did.

I guess since my conversation with Narcissa didn't go as plan I should head to class. At lease Everleigh is in that class so if I can speak to her on the way out, maybe Bella won't come up to her.

I head out of the common room and make my way to potions class. I'm dreading it. Potions class is my worst class and the teacher annoys me.

"Regulus." A voice calls me from behind as I make my way to the potions class. I'm nearly there but I don't want to go so I guess having whatever this conversation is going to be will be fine.

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