45 Minutes Before

366 9 0

Everleigh (6:25 pm)
We're now sitting on Reggies bed in his dorm, just waiting for the time to pass. Neither of us are saying anything. I'm laying in his lap while he runs his fingers through my hair.

I glance at the ring he gave me that is still on my finger and smile. He promised me that I will never lose him and the ring is a constant reminder.

"Hey Reg..." I mumble. "Maybe we can just run away together."

"Yeah? Where would you want to go?" Reg asks me, playing along with it.

"A small city where everyone knows everyone."

"Yeah?" Reggie asks. "Where all of the neighbours know each other and look out for each other?"

"Yeah, exactly like that." I say. "Wouldn't it be nice to be surrounded by people who are supportive and caring?"

"It would be different." Regulus admits. "Until I met you, I never had that."

"Awh, I love you." I say, turning to kiss him.

"I love you." Regulus says after he pulls away. "So, our neighbours... are they wizards or muggles?"

"Muggles because it would piss your parents off the most." I say. Regulus laughs softly.

"I would like that." Reggie admits. "I feel like muggles would be a nice change."

"Yes, and it would be safer to raise a family there. Away from wizards and all of this pure blood family importance.. you know?"

"You want to start a family with me?" Reg asks.

"Of course. I want to marry you, have kids, live our lives together and send our kids to Hogwarts when they're old enough to. I want it all with you."

For a moment, Regulus doesn't say anything. He continues to stroke my hair gently but doesn't speak. I start to feel a bit nervous because I kind of just poured my heart out to him.. I told him I want to spend my entire life with him and he's not saying anything.

"I.. I don't even know what to say... I never thought I'd ever have someone that I love this much, and that they would feel the same way." 

"Reg, I love you. You were there for me after I lost my mom and I'm not going to lie... you were the last person I expected to be there for me."

"Call it a moment of weakness or something." He jokes.

"Whatever it was, I'm glad you were there. I got a really awesome friend and boyfriend."

"I'm glad too." Reggie admits. "It was the best decision I ever made."

"You do make a lot of bad decisions but that was definitely one of your better ones." I tease him.

"So... were we thinking two kids?" Reg asks me.

"Two or three, yeah." I reply. "I don't care how many kids we have, as long as we have more than one."

"Would we have a big backyard?" He asks me.

"With a pool and a tree swing." I add.

"I love that, and I can't wait for that to be our life." Reggie says.

"So you'll want to marry me some day and move to a place away from here to live with muggles?" I ask him.

"I would do it right now if I could." Regulus says.

"Why can't we?" I whine. Obviously I know why we can't right now but I wish we could.

"I'm sorry love, you know I would if I could." Regulus says. He kisses the top of my head.

"One day we can do it." I say. "One day when this mess is over."

Regulus wraps his arms around me and holds me close to him.

I'm scared for him. I wish we could run away together and everything would be okay.

"Everything will be okay, right?" I ask him after a moment of silence.

"I mean, it really can't get worse." Regulus replies.

"Don't say that or it might actually get worse." I tell him.

"Can our house have a fenced in yard? Maybe a garden in the front and we could make you some space where you can have some magical creatures." Regulus says.

When he says we can find some room for me to have some magical creatures- just like my dad does, my heart melts. He knows how much I love creatures and it means so much that he would include that into our future. Our future. Together.

"I love that, Regulus. I can't wait for all of that."

"Look, I know that I have to go soon and you're probably scared for me. I'm scared too but when I get back, I don't really know what I'll be like.. I don't know what to expect tonight.."

"I'll be right here when you get back, okay?"

"No, Everleigh.. if i'm in a bad mood when I get back, you probably shouldn't be here. I don't want to say or do anything that will hurt you or your feelings."

"Regulus, you are stubborn but luckily, I am too. I'll be here when you get back."

He sighs. "I don't want you to see me like this- I'm going to have the dark mark. I'll be in the Dark Lord's army and you- You are so important to me Evie. I love you and I can't have anything happen to you." Regulus continues.

"Reggie, stop. I'm going to be here for you when you get back." I repeat myself.

"Evie, please-" Regulus begins but I cut him off.

"If you don't shut up and stop arguing with me, I'll come with you to your house."


"I'm serious, Regulus. I'll be right here for you when you get back."

"Okay." Reg finally says. For a moment, neither of us spoke to each other.

"You are one stubborn girl." Regulus finally says.

"I have to be stubborn because if I'm not, I'd never get you to listen to me."

"You're not wrong." Regulus says proudly. "What time is it?"

I check the clock and sigh. "It's 6:35." I tell him.

"Okay." Reg says before standing up and I stand up too. "Come here." He says to me. I bury my head in his chest while he wraps his arms around me. We stay like that for what felt like a long time in silence.

I don't want Reg to pull out of the hug because I know once he does, it means he has to leave.. and when he leaves, he's going home to the monsters that want him to get the mark and become a death eater. I wish this was all just a bad dream so that I can wake up from it right now.

"Evie.." Reg whispers. I know that means he has to go.

"One more minute." I demand, not letting go of him. He buries his head in my neck and holds me closer.

"Evie." He says again, a few minutes later. "I don't want to go but if I don't go now... I'll be late."

I nod and slowly pull away from him. I lean up and connect our lips, he kisses back and then he pulls away.

Before he gets the chance to say anything else, I say "I know."

"I love you, Evie." He mumbles before pulling away from him and walks out of the room before I get the chance to respond.

"I love you." I say, even though he already left the room.

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