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My dad and I spent the first week and a bit of the summer catching up and hanging out. We watched some movies and played some games and filled each other in on what we missed while I was away at school. I told him about making a new friend, though I didn't mention it was Regulus Black. Not sure if I'm ready to hear him tell me that's not a good idea. I get enough of that at school.

We talked about mom and how much we both miss her a lot. I told him that some days were hard and I was an asshole to my friends but they somehow put up with me. He told me about how when he misses mom, he'll look through picture albums or do things that remind him of her. Things like playing certain music or reading books.

It was only a week and a half in to summer before Regulus sent me a letter asking when I can meet up. I guess he missed me more than I thought he would.


I gave it almost two weeks but I'm bored and lonely so please tell me you can meet up with me sometime this week?

My mother is driving me crazy and I have a lot I want to tell you. I can't exactly write it in a letter so hurry up and write back so we can make plans to meet up.

I hope you and your dad are doing well.



I can meet up any day this week so just let me know a time and place and I'll be there. I knew you couldn't go more than a week without me.

I can't wait to hear all about your family drama.

My father and I are doing well. He's glad I'm home and I'm glad to be home.

Being home reminds me of my mother a lot so it's been a little hard but at the same time, it makes me feel closer to her. It's bitter sweet.

Can't wait to see you.



How about tomorrow night at 11? We can meet by the three broomsticks and then find somewhere to go. My mother usually goes to bed around 10. Or at least she goes to her room at 10 and doesn't come back out until the morning. Maybe it's just her avoiding everyone else, who knows.

I'm glad that being home makes you feel closer to your mother. You'll always have her close to you though, she's apart of you.

I can't wait to tell you all of the latest drama at the Black house.

Owl me back to let me know you'll be there.



I'll be there. See you tomorrow night!Everleigh


I guess the only thing left to do is convince my dad to let me go out at 11.

Or I could just sneak out.

Would he really care if I go out at 11? It's not that late.

"What do you want for dinner?" My dad asks, interrupting my thoughts.

"Anything, I don't really care." I reply.

"Is something bothering you? You seem rather distracted." He asks me.

"My friend wants to meet up tomorrow." I say.

"Do you not want to go?" He asks.

"I want to go." I say. "It's just complicated."

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