Friday Dinner At The Black's

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The amount of pictures, portraits and decorations they have in this house and there's not a single family photo or pictures of the kids. There's one portrait of the family in the dining room but they do not look happy, they look powerful.

Reggie is guiding the two of us down the halls towards this dining room that his parents are waiting for him in. The house elf seemed absolutely terrified that I was here, that he was going to get in trouble for me being there. I can't even imagine what his parents are going to do or say when I walk in with him.

"Reggie, the house elf was scared that I was here.. are you sure it's safe for me to be here?" I ask.

He reaches back for my hand and I take it. "I promise you, they won't lay a finger on you. It's safe. I wouldn't bring you if I thought you would get hurt."

I nod and we continue walking until we reach the door and Reg pauses. Not letting go of my hand, he opens the door slowly with his other and we begin walking in.

There's a big table in the center of the room with 4 chairs. One chair at each end of the table and two on either side of the center. The portrait of the family is behind the head of the table where Reggie's father was seated, looking straight ahead and his mother is sitting on the other end of the table. Not a single smile on either of their faces.

"Ah, Regulus. Nice of you to join us." His father says without even moving his head. "And you brought it upon yourself to bring a friend."

How did he even know I'm here without looking in our direction...?

"This is Everleigh." Regulus speaks. His voice sounds different now, steady and firm.

"And why did you bring her?" His father asks, setting his hands in front of him on the table.

"I thought you two would like to meet my girlfriend." Regulus says. "May we come in or are we not having dinner anymore?"

"Come in." His mother speaks.

Reggie begins moving and pulling me with him since we're still holding hands. He pulls out a chair and motions for me to sit down and I sit down. He then moves to the other side of the table and I swear, the second he left my side, I couldn't catch my breathe.

Until he sat down because under the table, he reached out his foot until he was touching mine. The table isn't too wide so it wasn't a long stretch but the fact that he did it meant a lot.

Both of his parents were now looking between Regulus and myself and I don't think I've ever felt so self conscious in my entire life. Their cold, icy glares staring at me. It's terrifying.

"Pureblood?" His father asks Regulus, but his eyes looking at me.

"Yes." Reggie replies.

"What family?" His father asks again.

"Scamander." Regulus says.

His father's eyes widen and he turns to his son now. "Not Slytherin?"

"No sir." Regulus says. "Hufflepuff."

His father let's out a sigh and his mother does the same.

"Is she aware of our families status or alliances?" His mother asks him and he shakes his head.

"Not yet." Regulus says.

"And why exactly is that?" His father asks.

"I haven't told her yet. No reason, just hasn't been the right time."

"So before coming here wasn't the right time?" His mother says.

"If this dinner wasn't so last minute, I might have had the time to tell her everything."

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