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I go into Reg's dorm room because he never showed up to dinner like he said he would. When I open the door, he's not there. Kreacher isn't here either but there's a letter on my bed. 

A fucking letter.

You have got to be kidding me right now. Tell me he did not leave and write me a letter.

I take a deep breathe before reaching for the letter that's sitting on our bed.

"I swear Regulus, if this is a cliche goodbye letter I'm going to kill you." I mumble angrily to myself.

The first few sentences of the letter and I already know I'm going to need to sit down.

"Fuck Regulus, why do you have to be so stupid?"

I slowly sit down on the bed, feeling myself become breathless with panic. This dumb ass really went to destroy the horcrux without me.

And this shit about 'if something happens to me' is pissing me off.

Why couldn't he at least say goodbye in person because if something does happen to him, I will not be able to get over it.

I can't breathe. I put the letter in the pocket of my school robes and leave the dorm room and the Slytherin common room. I don't know where I'm going but I don't want to be alone if this is a panic attack.

Walking down the halls, people pass me but not one I know, and not one that asks if I'm okay. Not a surprise though.

"Everleigh? You good?" James asks me when he sees me stumbling down the hallway.

"Nope, not good and I can't talk to you about it." I say. "So please don't ask me."

"Okay... but you're freaking out and you don't look good." James mumbles. "Let me help you at least?"

"Fine but I'm not talking about it." I mumble.

"Okay, come here." James says, throwing an arm over me to help me over somewhere we can sit down. I lean against the wall and then slide down it while he does the same thing.

"Now, tell me something so I can help you." James mutters.

"I can't tell you, okay? I can't tell you anything at all." I say. "I'm sorry."

"Who can you talk to about it?" James asks me. One name comes to mine, only one name.


"Where is Regulus then? I can go find him and bring him here." James says, starting to stand up.

"No, you can't." I mumble sadly.

"What? Where is your husband Everleigh?" James asks me. "Are you kidding me? Why the fuck is he not here."

"It's fine James. He had to take care of something."

"Everleigh, where did he go?" James asks, this time more firmly.

"I can't tell you James. I promised." I say.

"Is he in danger?" James asks.

"I'm not sure..." I mumble. "It's possible but I can't do anything because instead of talking to me about it, he wrote me a letter and then took off."

"Do you have any idea where he went?" James asks. His voice gives away how worried he is now.

"James... I can't tell you."

"Everleigh, if he's in danger you need to tell me. We can't let him get hurt."

"I- James you don't understand. I can't tell you."

"Would you stop being so stubborn and just tell me what's going on?" James snaps. I know he doesn't mean to flip on me and he's probably just frustrated with me. But I can't tell him.

"Whatever is going on, just let me in. I want to help him. I want to help you both, okay?"

"If I tell you, you'll hate him and probably me too."

"What the fuck, now you have to tell me." James says angrily.

"Why aren't you understanding that I can't tell you. I can figure this out on my own."

"Everleigh, no offence but no you can't. You were just panicking. Just let us help you."

"Okay fine... I have something for you and Sirius and probably Remus and Lily too. It'll explain everything... I haven't read them but he told me in my letter that he wrote you guys one too. To explain everything."

"He wrote us letters?" James asks.

"He wasn't expecting to come back from this." I add.

"We'll help him, okay? I promise."

"Don't make promises you can't keep James."

James gently grabs my arm and pulls me closer to him. I lay my head on him and allow him to get and comfort me even though all I want right now is Regulus. I'm terrified to tell them but at the same time.. if I do, they could help me save him.

"I don't make promises I can't keep but I promise we will do everything we can to save him, okay?" James gently says.


"Go and get those letters then. I have a feeling you aren't going to tell me on your own."

"I can't."

"I'll read the letter then. Hurry up though. I'm assuming we need to hurry yeah?"

"Okay, I have to go to the Slytherin common room to get it."

"Can you even get in?" James asks.

"Yeah, if I knock... Andromeda will let me in but I also know the password. Reg told me it." I tell him and he smiles.

"Of course Regulus told you the password." James laughs.

"How about you go and grab the rest of our friends and meet me in the astronomy tower, okay?" I ask James.

"Sure." James says. "And Everleigh?"


"Try not to worry too much. I'm sure we'll figure out a way to help him."

"I know we can help him. I'm more worried about you guys reading the letters..." I admit.

"It can't be that bad." James says. "I'm sure everything will be okay."

"You don't know that." I add. "Trust me, you guys are going to be mad."

"Stop worrying." James says, standing up and offering me his hand to help me up. I accept it and he helps me up. "Just go get the letter so I can be less confused."

"Okay..." I mumble. "Promise me you'll at least read the letter fully and try to understand his side of things before you jump to conclusions and act on your feelings."

"I promise, okay? Go and get the letters already."

"Okay, okay. I'll meet you in the astronomy tower." I say before turning away and heading to the Slytherin common room again.

In his night stand, I find a stack of letters. I pick them up and hold them in my hand. Staring down at them with fear. Once I give them the letters, I can't take it back. They're going to know his biggest secret... but what else can I do? He made his choice. Now I have to save him and I need help.

Im order for them to help, they need to know the full story so I have no choice. I have to give to give them the letters.

I shove them into my robe pocket and leave the Slytherin common room again.

Panicking and overthinking the entire way to the astronomy tower where our friends are waiting for me to learn the secret... to learn that Reggie is a- that Reggie has the mark. I just hope they understand why he did it and that he's truly not on that side of this.

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