Voldemorts Secret

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Everleigh made us go to class today because 'we've missed enough school.' and 'just because we're married doesn't mean we can stop going.'

So I'm sitting beside her right now in potions class but I'm not paying attention to whatever Slughorn is saying. Not that it surprises him. He's given up on trying to make me pay attention.

I'm drawing on the piece of parchment that was given out at the beginning of class for taking notes. Everleigh is beside me and she's actually paying attention and taking notes. Of course she is. Not that I'm surprised that she is. It's exactly what I thought she would do.

I have so much on my mind right now. How could I even pay attention to potions class with everything on my mind?

Not only did I just get married last night but my house elf is being used by Voldemort for Merlin knows what and he'll be coming back to my dorm room any moment to tell me.

I could possibly be one step ahead of him, maybe even defeat him so my family can be free. So everyone can be free.

Evie passes a paper over to me with writing on it. I look up to her and then to Slughorn and then back to the note from Evie.

'What's going on in your head?' the writing on the page said.

'Kreacher.' I wrote back and slid it over to Evie.

'Oh yeah. When do you find out what he knows?' She writes and slides it back to me.

'I'm not sure, whenever he shows up in my dorm.'

'Are you nervous to find out what he's going to tell you?'

'More anxious to finally learn what he has going on. Hopefully even learn how to defeat him.'

'Maybe we should have skipped today. Wait in your dorm room for him to show up.'

'It's fine, he'll wait there till we get there.'

She takes the paper and sets it in her notebook before reaching over and taking my hand. Slughorn was still talking but at this point, neither of us are paying attention to him.

"Miss Scamander, I expect you to pay attention." Slughorn says, calling Evie out in front of the whole class even though I'm not paying attention either. She lets out a long breathe before responding to him

"Black." She replies coldly.

"Pardon me?" Slughorn asks her.

"Please call me Mrs Black." Evie says. "Now that we're married, my last name is no longer Scamander."

Slughorn froze and the rest of the class turned back to look at us. Shock written on most of their faces, some smiles and some confusion. Slughorn looked rather frightened.


"Yes sir." Evie adds. "That's why we missed class yesterday. We were a little busy."

"Ah, okay..." Slughorn trails off, turning back around to face the board. "Married." He mutters under his breathe.

"I don't think he approves." I whisper to Evie who laughs and shrugs her shoulders.

"I guess not."

"How long now do you think until my parents find out?" I ask her.

"I'd be surprised if Lucius or Bellatrix haven't written to them yet." She responds.

"Yeah me either."

Honestly, I don't think Bella will write to them and tell them. It would get Narcissa in a lot of trouble too and as much as she pretends, she cares about her sister. Maybe not Andromeda but she definitely has a soft spot for Narcissa.

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