Remus Lupin Is Not A Monster

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"What just happened?" Regulus asks me. I'm in shit if she just figured out what I think she just did.

"I think she just figured out why we disappear every once in a while." I say. I change the wording because I don't know how well Remus trusts Regulus. They don't exactly talk unless we're in a group.

"So she's going to find him?" Regulus asks. I couldn't answer because now I'm panicking. I don't want him to think I told her. Or Lily. I do not want Lily to think I told Everleigh and not her.

Regulus must have noticed that I'm panicking because he's now beside me instead of sitting on the other side of the table.

"Just breathe James." Regulus says in a softer tone than he usually speaks in. "Take deep breathes."

I try but it's not working. I don't want Lily to get mad at me for this. I can't- she'll hate me.

"Take deep breathes and when you are calmer, we can go and find them." Regulus continues. "I don't know what's going on but you can go and find her to explain."


He knows I'm worried about Lily.

Regulus reaches over and puts his hand on my shoulder. "Come on James, breathe." He says. I don't think I've ever seen this side of Regulus before. He's so- gentle.

When I finally calm down, he moves his hand off of my shoulder and he's smiling.

"Now go and find your girl." He says to me.

"Aren't you coming?" I ask him.

"I wasn't sure if you'd want me to come. I'm not dumb. I know this is a private thing and you guys probably don't want me to know."

"Come on Black, let's go." I say to him. I can't speak for Remus or Sirius but I trust him. He's been really good with Everleigh and he hasn't given us a reason not to trust him. I know Lily trusts him already.


The library was mostly empty besides Remus and Lily who are sitting in the far corner and another girl who's sitting on the other side of the room. I'm not exactly sure what I'm going to say because it's not like I can come right out and say 'I know your secret' because Lily would think James told me. I'm not about to do that to James.

I also don't want to cause a scene. I just want to talk to him.

I go over to their table and sit down across from the both of them.

"Good morning you two." I say when they finally look up from their books. "Remus, can I talk to you for a moment?"

"Uh- I mean can it wait? I'm in the middle of something." He says. It probably could wait until later but I want to do this right now.

"No, it can't really wait." I say. Lily looks between us confused but she doesn't get involved.

"Okay..." Remus says, standing up. We walk away from Lily but we don't go near the other girl because I don't want her to overhear this.

"What's up?" Remus asks when we finally stop walking.

"I know your secret." I whisper. He just stares at me for a moment and then laughs.

"What? About Sirius? We already know you know about that?" Remus asks, laughing awkwardly.

"No, not that secret Remus." I say. He stares at me again, this time he was clearly scared, I can tell by his facial expression.

"W-who told you?"

"No one, I figured it out on my own." I say. "You disappear once a month, you come back looking exhausted and sore, no one knows where you go and you don't like to tell people about it, and none of the teachers question where you go anymore."

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