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"So how did class go with Regulus?" James asks me on the way to the great hall.

"I ignored him the whole time." I shrug my shoulders.

"I told you that you have nothing to worry about!" He says. "Don't be scared of Regulus."

"I- I'm not scared of him but I don't trust him."

"You're scared of him." James repeats.

"I'm not." I snap. "But right now he's ignoring me and its better than how things were. If I push him away, he'll hopefully get the hint and leave me alone."

"Or he'll go back to his old ways." James suggests.

I sigh.

"Well, he asked about you today." I say.


"He saw us before class I guess."

"Does he like you?" James asks me but I shrug my shoulders.

I look at James before bursting into laughter. Is he on something right now?

"No, James he definitely doesn't like me." I say in between my laughter.

"Okay." He says and puts his hands up in defence. "Whatever you say."

"I'm so hungry." I say, trying to change the subject. Does he really think Regulus all of a sudden likes me? That's insane. Only last year he was making fun of me, just like Bellatrix is still doing. He's acting nicely but who knows if it's just apart of some other plan he's got going on.

"Can I give you some advice?" James asks.


"Don't tell Sirius about you and Regulus. They do not get along and it would make things weird."

"Okay..." I say. "Why don't they get along?"

"Just family stuff." James says. "Sirius was always the golden boy in the family until he started Hogwarts. He got sorted into Gryffinfor instead of Slytherin, became friends with Lily and shes muggle born. That brought more problems and Sirius got disowned." James explains.

"So Regulus and him don't get along anymore?"

"Sirius thinks Regulus is just like their mother."

"Oh." Is all I can say. That's a lot of drama.

"Don't tell them I told you this stuff. Sirius doesn't like talking about it and I'm sure Regulus is the same way."

"I won't." I say.

It's really sad that they aren't close anymore all because of family drama. I would hate that if I was in that position.

I wonder if Regulus misses Sirius and that's why he's trying to talk to me more? He's lonely? Misses his brother? Maybe he thinks if he gets close to me, he and his brother will get close again.

I sit down with Remus, James, Lily and Sirius but I can't stop thinking about what James told me. I turn my head to the Slytherin table to see Regulus seated alone reading his book.

Why isn't he sitting with his friends? Why is he alone? And reading?

"Earth to the Hufflepuff." Remus jokes.

"Oh, right. What?"

"How was class? James mentioned you have Slughorn."

"It was long." I say.

"Why?" Sirius asks.

"My-" I pause. I was about to say my partner sucks but I can't say that to Sirius because if they ask who, I'll have to say Regulus.

"Boring." I end up saying. 

"I've heard that the teacher is boring." Remus admits.

"Yeah, boring is one word for it." I mumble.


I know it wasn't my place to tell Everleigh all of that about Sirius and Regulus but I have a feeling there's something between them. Maybe they don't know that there is something there yet but I know Regulus.

Regulus has a hard time standing up to Bella and his mother. For him to tell them 'leave her alone' would mean he really cares about her. Although I'm not sure Regulus knows how he feels about Everleigh yet.

When Remus asks how potions class is going and Everleigh said long, I began to panic. What if she mentions Reg? I do not want him to deal with Serius again. That whole situation was rough.

When Everleigh says class is just boring, I feel relieved.

Everleigh seems really distracted right now. I'm not sure what's going on, maybe she's trying to process everything I told her or she's got other things on her mind. Something is clearly going on in that head of hers though.


Sitting in the great hall for breakfast feels the same as normal. I'm sitting alone, reading my book and eating a few strawberries that are in front of me.

When I look up, I see Everleigh walk in with James. It's always James. I guess it could be worse. I'd feel really annoyed if she was walking in with my brother, so if it has to be one of them, i'm glad it's James. It looks like they're having a very intense conversation as they walk in.

I lift my book so that I can't look at her while she makes her way to the Gryffindor table where she always eats her meals. Usually it's just with Lily but lately it's been with the guys too.

Wait, why do I care about where Everleigh sits? I shouldn't care. She's a blood traitor, friends with the... mudblood.

"Hey Reg, what are you doing?" Andromeda asks as she sits beside me.

"Eating breakfast, obviously." I say.

"Attitude." Andromeda says. "What's going on with you?"

"Nothing." I dryly respond.

"Okay, someone's grumpy. I'll talk to you when you aren't in a bad mood." Andromeda says before standing up and walking away.

No offense to her but i'm feeling rather annoyed and that's why I don't feel like talking to her.

I turn my attention back to the Gryffindor table and notice that Everleigh is looking at me but the second I look at her, she looks away.

"Guess what cousin." Bella interrupts my thoughts.

"What do you want?" I snap.

"The blood traitor is sitting with your brother and the mudblood." Bella says.

"I really don't care, Bella." I say.

"Good." She says. "Then you won't care if I say something to her about it."

"You're just going to do what you want, Bella. We both know that. It doesn't matter what I say."

"True." She says. "I just wanted to check that you're not turning in to your brother."

"I'm not." I dryly say.

All everyone cares about is if i'm anything like my brother. What does that even mean?

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