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I've spent two weeks avoiding Regulus and ignoring him in class. It has not been easy but I'm just not ready to deal with that conversation that I know is coming. I told him I would help him study before he went and told everyone we aren't friends, so the next day I didn't show up to class. I told Professor Slughorn in a letter that I was having a rough morning and needed a day off which he understood.

The day after that, I went back to class and completely ignored Regulus. He tried to get my attention but I wouldn't even look at him. I moved my chair over a little so that we weren't so close and focused fully on the lesson. That's how things have been going for the past few weeks. He sometimes still tries to get my attention but I don't give in and when we need to work together, I read the instructions but I refuse to answer any questions not related to the project.

James and Lily have been really good friends since everything happened. Lily and I spoke about her being friends with Severus and she told me how important their friendship is to her. I'm glad we're finally talking about it because I almost didn't believe Severus when he said they are friends.

Sirius has been trying to talk to me too but for us to be friend again, I'd probably have to chose between him and his brother. I'm avoiding all things that have to do with Regulus right now and both of them really hurt me. I need time.

Bellatrix hasn't forgotten what happened that day and has been throwing my books on the ground every chance she gets, sending jynx's my way making rude comments every time she sees me. It's getting ridiculous. Her friends are just as bad. Anytime Lucius sees me, he brings up the fact that I thought Regulus Black would be friends with me. Narcissa doesn't do anything harsh, she'll make comments if Bella or Lucius are around but when she's alone and sees me, she just ignores me. Andromeda barely speaks and doesn't participate in anything which I thought was weird, even more weird that Bella doesn't force her to. Severus says a few comments here and there but we have reached an understanding. He doesn't mean it, he's just doing it to survive being in Slytherin.

I'm ready for it to be summer now, we're so close and I can not wait to go home. Lately, being here has been rough so I could really use a break.


Everleigh has been ignoring me ever since that thing with Bella. I just want to explain why I did what I did and hopefully we can come to an understanding. She's just ignoring me and not even giving me the chance to explain.

It's been two weeks.

I've noticed she's not speaking to Sirius either. Although I've noticed he's trying to speak to her, she's not having it.

There's one thing I can try but I don't know if it'll work... it's worth a shot but honestly, it's probably not going to help.

I have to talk to James.. it seems like they're really close and maybe he can tell me where her heads at.

James and I don't get along though, so it's going to be a little hard but I have to try.

Now I just have I find him when he's not with Lily and Everleigh or a Sirius and Remus. That's impossible because he's always with at least one of them.


I'm walking right now with Lily, we're going to meet Everleigh in the library to study. I see Regulus walking towards us and I already know this isn't going to be good. We don't get along. I'm his brothers best friend and they do not get along so we never really got along either.

Although looking closer at him, his eyes don't seem as angry as they usually are.

I turn to Lily and say, "this won't be good."

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