Ted Tonks

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The sunrise this morning was the bright orange and pink kind that shines through your window and wakes you up if you don't close your blinds. It was beautiful and peaceful to see. When the sunrise is that bright in the morning, it brightens my entire day.

Regulus is laying in my lap while I run my fingers gently through his hair. He's facing the sunrise so the two of us could watch it together. When he saw it, he made the cutest little "woah" sound and I think I felt my heart actually flutter.

My favourite part of my day is always the part where Regulus and I sit up in the astronomy tower, holding each other and watch the beautiful sunrise together.

That is my absolute favourite part of the day. It doesn't matter what else happens during the day, as long as I get to spend my morning in the astronomy tower with him, I'm good.

As usual, the great hall was packed with so many students all excitedly speaking to their friends and stuffing their faces with their breakfast. Regulus and I walk hand in hand into the great hall and sit down at the Gryffindor table with our friends. It felt good to be sitting at a table full of people that mean the entire world to me. 

"How was the sunrise this morning?" Lily asks the two of us when we join them at their table.

"It was beautiful." I say. "Very bright this morning."

"I don't know how you two just sit there and stare at the sky." James jokingly says to us.

"You wouldn't." Regulus teases.

"What is that supposed to mean?" James asks, sounding a little offended.

"It means you wouldn't know how to sit still long enough to watch the sunrise." Regulus adds.

"I can't even sit still long enough to eat breakfast." James says. "I prefer to stay busy."

"Fair point." Remus adds. "I like to stay busy to but unlike you, I put most of my effort on the school work instead of pranks."

"Yeah well some of us are fun and some of us are boring." James jokes and Sirius laughs.

"Well we can't all be reckless." Remus says, sending a warning face to Sirius.

"I'm the same way as Remus." Lily mumbles. "Are you trying to say I'm boring too James?"

"Oh shit." I mumble to Regulus. "I guess we're the only two normal people at this table."

"It certainly looks that way to me." Regulus adds.

"Oh as if you two are the normal ones. You guys sit in the astronomy tower and stare at the SKY for an hour." James adds and the entire table bursts into laughter.

"You should try it sometime, it's very peaceful." I add but it's too late, James is having one of his laughing fits and there's no way to stop him until he's done.

I look around the table for something to eat and land on pancakes. You can't go wrong with some pancakes. James finally stops laughing about us watching the sunrise and starts talking with Lily about a date they have planned for after classes today. Remus has his homework out and he's studying for some test he has later while Sirius, Regulus and I are talking about whether or not we want to help Sirius with his new prank. He wants to do something to Lucius Malfoy and wants to know if we want to help him with it.

"Why don't you ask Remus to help you?" I ask. Remus sticks his head up from his work to shake his head at me.

"He says it's immature to pull pranks on people." Sirius mumbles.

"But you're still going to do it, aren't you?" Regulus asks.

"Of course brother."

"I'm not going to try and change him but I don't want to help him on this one. No need to poke the bear, especially when that bear is finally leaving us alone." Remus adds before diving back into his work.

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