Astronomy Tower

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I walk away from my friends and head towards Sirius and Remus who both look really angry. This is probably going to be bad because they definitely are mad at me. Sirius and Regulus haven't gotten along ever since their parents found out that Sirius is friends with Lily and wouldn't give up their friendship to please their mother.

"Hey guys.." I say awkwardly.

"What do you want, traitor?" Sirius angrily says.

"Traitor? Really."

"Yes." Remus says.

"We saw you walk in with my brother. Becoming friend with the enemy is very unlike you." Sirius says.

"Dude, he's your brother not the enemy." I say. "and he needed some help."

"He's going to hurt her, James. He's not a good person." Sirius continues.

"You gave up on him when you got kicked out of the house. You abandoned him and assumed that because he didn't take the same risk as you did, he's a bad guy."

"James, don't tell me what I did or didn't do to my brother." Sirius shouts. "I know he's not a good person."

"But Everleigh is making him a better person."

"What does that mean?" Remus asks.

"He begged me to tell him what she's thinking about everything. All he cared about was if she was okay."

"I don't care if he suddenly cares about someone, it doesn't change who he really is."

"I'm sorry if you think that what I did was some kind of betrayal but I did what I think was right. The both of them were just starting to get to know each other and I believe that they both could be good friend and they'll be good for each other."

"I don't care if they both need friends. They have friends. They do not need to be friends with each other." Sirius snaps. "And you do not need to be friends with him either."

"I'm not friends with him, Sirius. I am friends with Everleigh and I was doing what's best for her."

"Fine. As long as you aren't friends with him." Sirius says.

"Okay... okay. Then we're good?"

He nods in response.

Well... that didn't go as bad as I thought it would have gone.


"I can't believe I told Regulus I'd meet him in the astronomy tower." I vent to Lily who's sitting with me until it's time to meet him.

"Because you want to hear him out but you're scared to." Lily says gently.

"I guess... I'm just worried that I'll get hurt." I admit.

"You won't." Lily firmly states. "Why else would James have brought him to the library?"

"I thought he just did it because he wanted us to talk.."

"No, Regulus was asking about you so James thought if he just got you two to talk, it would be easier than him being in the middle of it."

"Oh- a good reason." I repeat James words.

"Exactly." Lily says with a huge smile.

"I guess I should go then." I say. "I'm supposed to be there soon and I shouldn't be late."

"Alright.. go and when you get back, I want to know what happens."

"I will." I admit. "I'm a little nervous."

"You'll be fine. Go in now and get out of here." Lily demands, basically shoving me out the door.

I walk down the hallway towards the Astronomy tower. Why did I pick the astronomy tower... I could've said any place in the school but I chose there. Why would I do that?

I start walking up the stairs. Why did I pick a place with so many stairs?

I open the door and he isn't here yet. I feel relieved that he isn't here yet so I can have a few moments to collect myself. I have no idea what I'm in for.

I sit down by the window and wait for him, I couldn't help but look at the view. It was beautiful.

I hear the door open but I do not look away from the view. I know he's here now but I can't bring myself to look at him.

Regulus walks over adds sits down across from me without saying anything.

"Hey." He gently says. "I wasn't sure if you were going to show up."

"I was here before you." I joke.

"You're right but I was nervous to come."


"I thought you might not come or you might not forgive me." Regulus says.

"Just tell me why you did that... I thought we were starting to be friends."

"I was just scared." Regulus admits. "My mother would never understand our friendship."

"What do you mean she would never understand?"

"She would just disown me if she knew and if Bella knew, she would definitely know."

"So you were protecting yourself?" I ask.

"No. Not just me." He explains. "If they knew about you being my friend, they'd make your life more terrible."

"As if they don't do that already."

"I know.. I couldn't let it get worse for you." Regulus says.

"It got worse anyway." I say to him and he turns around to face me finally.

"I didn't know that..." he mumbles. "I'm sorry."

"I do not want to be kept a secret." I say.

"Everleigh, I don't want to keep you a secret but I don't want to put you in danger."

"Maybe keeping their friendship private works for Lily and Severus but I'm not them. I do not like to be treated one way when we are alone and disrespected when we are around everyone else."

He pauses before answering me. A moment of silence while he thinks and I study him. I hope he at least understands my side of things. Being kept a secret is not something I am willing to do.

"I understand." Regulus says softly. "If you'll still have me.. I would love to be friends. Real friends."

"Really?" I ask. "Are you sure?"

"Yes." Regulus says.

"I would love to be friends." I say.


Everleigh and I decided that we were going to be friends and not hide our friendship but I don't know how I'm going to deal with Bella...

Or Sirius.

This time last year I never would have considered being her friend because I was helping my cousin make her life horrible. Not that I actually did anything, I'd throw jokes around like Narcissa and Severus do now but I never actually got involved in the harmful things. Not that it makes the whole situation any better. 

Something changed this year and maybe it's because my brother stopped listening to everyone and did what he felt was right. Maybe he opened a door for me that I never knew I needed or maybe I just stopped caring what everyone else thinks.

Everleigh is fun to be around. She makes me laugh during class but also makes sure I actually do the work. I don't know a whole lot about her but there's something there that interests me. Maybe it's this new found courage to stand up for herself despite how much she must be dealing with. I've known people who lose someone and they become closed off but Everleigh is different.

All I know is being around her, even if it's just when we're in class, it changes my mood and makes me happier.

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