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"Miss Scamander, are we feeling a little distracted today?" Slughorn calls me out in the front of the whole class.

"I'm sorry, sir. I didn't sleep that well last night and I'm just a little tired." I say.

"Make sure you get some rest tonight." Slughorn says gently before going back to teaching. I feel so relieved that he let it slide this once. I don't think I could handle a detention tonight.

"What's going on with you..?" Regulus whispers to me after Slughorn goes back to the front.

"Nothing." I mumble. "I'm just tired."

"Tired?" He asks. "Did you not get any sleep?"

"Obviously, that's why I'm tired." I snap.

"And you're crabby." He teases.

"It's just not a good day." I say. "I don't want to talk either."

"Okay.." regulus mumbles and turns back to the lesson.

I feel bad for being rude but it's just been a hard week. I miss my mom and I spent the whole night crying and I don't have the energy to talk to anyone or even pay attention in class.

"I- I didn't mean to come off as rude." I say.

"Don't worry about it." Regulus says.

"Mr. Black, stop distracting Everleigh." Slughorn demands.

Did he really just call out both of us...? He must be in a really bad mood today. He doesn't normally do that.

"I'm not distracting her, sir." Regulus says. "We were talking about the work."

"During my lesson?" Slughorn asks. "Stop talking or you'll both get detention."

Yeah, he's in a terrible mood and Regulus better stop talking. Please stop talking Regulus.

Thankfully, Regulus nodded and shut up. I did not need detention.

Slughorn continued his lesson and neither of us spoke for the rest of the class. My mind is a million miles away and I'm barely able to focus.


I don't know what's going on with Everleigh today.. she's miserable.

We have barely spoken since the day she made it clear we aren't friends in front of everyone. It's been hard for me to talk to her because I thought we were actually becoming friends and she shut it down so fast.

I was mad at myself because why would we ever be friends? I've been terrible to her through out the years and the reason I stopped being terrible to her is because she lost her mom. At least that's why I changed at first...

"What's going on with you..?" I ask her when Slughorn walks away from us.

"Nothing. I'm just tired." She replies dryly.

"Tired?" I ask. "Did you not get any sleep?"

"Obviously, that's why I'm tired." She snaps.

"And you're crabby." I tease.

"It's just not a good day." She admits. "I don't want to talk either."

"Okay.." I say and then back to the lesson.

Right, we're not friends.

"I- I didn't mean to come off as rude." She says after a few moments.

"Don't worry about it." I say.

"Mr. Black, stop distracting Everleigh." Slughorn demands.

Oh fuck off you pain in the ass.

Brothers ~ A Regulus Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now