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Everleigh and I spent the entire day sitting by the lake, barely speaking but holding each other. Sitting there was the calmest I've been since I've received the letter from my mother.

"Evie?" I say to her.


"It's time to go." I whisper.

"Okay." She mumbles and begins to get up.

"Promise me you'll stay with me the entire time." I ask her.

"I won't Reg-"

"No please, not even for a moment. The last time I was in that house, my mother made everyone in the house completely ignore me. I don't want to be alone there again."

Everleigh grabs my hand and looks at me with her gorgeous eyes. "I'll be by your side the entire time."

"Are you ready then?" I ask him.

"Are you?" She asks me.

"I'll probably never be ready for this but I don't have much of a choice." I tell her.

"Okay, let's go then. I'm curious to see what your house looks like."

"Don't get your hopes up about a pretty house with a beautiful yard and a picket white fence." I tell her.

"We'll take me there anyway. I want to see it."

"You're perfect."

"I know, now stop stalling and let's go Reg."

"Full of yourself much." I joke.

The two of us walk outside of the school grounds and I apperate us to the sidewalk outside of my house. The dark fence with the giant yard with the big black door.

The night that Sirius and my parents got in that huge fight and disowned came rushing back to me. The fight Sirius and I got into that huge fight out in the front yard.

"What's going on in that head of yours?" Everleigh asks me, the two of us standing in front of my house and looking in.

"I was just remembering the night Sirius left here and we got in a huge fight."

"You two are on good terms now so that's all that matters, right?" She asks me.

"All because of you." I say and smile.

"Yeah I tend to fix things, it's just how I am."

"Woah, you have so many jokes today."

"Can we go inside now? I'm cold." She asks.

"We can go inside but-"

"I know, they're awful and mean. Don't let them talk you into whatever it is they want you to do. Don't take anything they say to me personal."

"Okay fine." I say. "Just come on."

Everleigh takes my hand and intertwines our fingers as I open the gate.

"Oh yeah, one more thing... I never responded to the letter so they don't know you're coming." I say.


"Nope, don't yell or you'll ruin the surprise for them."

"You are evil, Regulus Black. You know you're putting me in a really awkward position?"

"I know and I'm sorry! I thought if they know, they'd cancel or reschedule."

"You owe me for this."

"I promise I will make this up to you." I smirk.

"Yes, you will." She says, smirking too.


Regulus house is the complete opposite of what I pictured it to be. The house itself is black and dark, the yard is big but pretty empty and looks so unused, and the entire house is fenced in like a prison.

When he told me that he's remembering the night him and his brother got in their biggest fight, it broke my heart. The two of them have been through so much and they're finally starting to get along again. It hurts me that his childhood house is full of so many horrible memories. Just standing outside of his house, he's miserable. I can't even imagine what last summer was like for him. This house is absolutely huge so it would be so lonely all by himself.

"I'm sorry in advance for whatever they do or say once we get in there." Regulus says as the two of us stand in front of the huge, black door.

"Reg, seriously I can handle it. Whatever happens in there, we will be okay."

"You're truly amazing and I'm so lucky to have you." He says.

"You are very lucky to have me." I say.

"Everleigh I swear-" but before he could finish, I knock on the door.

Let me tell you, his face was so funny after that. His nostrils expanded and his eyes widen and I thought he was going to blow.

Before we could though, someone opened the door.

"Master Regulus! You're home!" The little house elf says with the brightest smile on his face.

The house elf's face drops when he sees me.

"You brought a- a f-friend Master." The house elf stutters, looking from me to Reg over and over again.

"This is my girlfriend, Everleigh. Evie, this is Kreacher. He's my- uh he's our family house elf."

"He seems lovely." I lie. He's scary.

"Where's my parents?" Regulus asks the elf as the two of us walk inside the house.

The inside of Reggie's home isn't much better than the outside. There's paintings and portraits on the wall. The house is dark and the curtains are even black.

"They're in the dining room master. They- I- they didn't k-know about you bringing a- a guest." The poor house elf says, stuttering through the entire sentence.

"It's a surprise Kreacher." Regulus says to the house elf. "Don't worry, it'll be okay."

"I- I don't want to g-get in trouble f-for this misunderstanding master." Kreacher says.

"You will not be blamed for this Kreacher." Regulus says.

Even though he was raised in this house that doesn't seem as living and friendly as a child should grow up with, he treats his house elf with respect. He seems to care about this elf.

"I'm a little worried now." I whisper to Reg and he squeezes my hand and gives me a reassuring look.

"Welcome to the Nobel House Of Black, Miss Scamander." Regulus says, playfully bowing in front of me.

"Thank you, sir." I respond and follow him towards the dining room.

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