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Regulus waited outside of the classroom of my last classroom of the day because we have to go to the library and do research for Sirius' prank. How did we get roped into doing the research for a prank? Pranks are supposed to be fun not something you have to research.

Not to mention, classes were exhausting today. The teachers were all in bad moods and the work load was a lot. If I wasn't spending the evening with Regulus, I would've been in a horrible mood.

I push open the door, ready to leave the class and not go back ever. Regulus is standing there, leaning against the wall with his arms crossed across his chest. I couldn't even hide the smile that came across my face when I saw him standing there.

"Hey there Hufflepuff." Regulus says, opening his arms and pulling my closer to his chest.

"Hey Slytherin." I reply. I lean up and kiss him, forgetting that there are still people around. Most of them heading to find there friends and hangout before dinner. No one else mattered at that very moment because when he's around, the world doesn't exists.

"Should we go to the library and get this shit over with?" I ask him.

I don't know why but Regulus was now staring at me with the biggest and goofiest grin on his face. I blush and get all awkward but he just keeps staring and smiling at me.

"What?" I ask, giggling a little because I'm feeling awkward.

"It amazes me how one minute you can be all cute and the next you're all 'let's get this shit over with.' and it makes me like you even more."

"I know that you don't like studying so maybe if we can figure this out quickly, we can do something more fun." I smirk.

Reggie's eyes widen and he stands up straight. "Oh really?"

"Yeah, does that sound good to you?" I ask innocently.

"Like what?" he asks, moving closer to me and wrapping his arms around my waist.

"Like we could go to the astronomy tower and read." I joke. His face drops and he backs away from me and raises an eye brow.

"Are you bring serious?" Regulus asks, staring at me in disbelief. I could barely hold in the laughter long enough to continue with my joke. I just started laughing at how shocked and serious he was.

"No, Reggie I did not mean we could go and read in the astronomy tower. I was thinking we could do something a little more... fun."

"I like that idea much better than the first one." He teases, pulling me back into his chest and kisses my neck.

"Okay okay." I mumble, pulling away even though I really didn't want to. "We do need to get some studying done."

"Fuck that. James and Sirius can do their own work and we can go somewhere and have some fun." Regulus says.

"No, study first and then we can do that." I firmly state.

"Fine." Regulus whines, kisses me again and moving his hand down to my waist.

"Reggie-" I'm trying to go to the library and do what we promised our friends we would do but it's really hard to pull away from this. I want this...

He smirks before pulling away and shrugging his shoulders.

"Sorry Evie, you said we have to go to the library and figure out the prank before we do anything fun." He smirks.

"You are evil." I mumble and follow him to the library.

Brothers ~ A Regulus Black StoryWhere stories live. Discover now