United For A Day

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The great hall was crowded and loud this morning, yet I felt completely alone. Regulus isn't here right now and I'm assuming he's going to avoid me for most of the day and Lily's still mad at me.

On top of that, today is my mother's birthday and I'm missing her a lot.

I was going to send a letter to my father but he's probably missing her a lot too and I don't want to make him more sad. He doesn't need to worry about me on top of missing mom.

"Everleighhhhh." I hear someone call out from across the hall of the great hall. "Come sit with the Gryffinfors today."

I turn around and see James skipping towards me with his big, goofy smile on his face.

"Someone has a lot of energy for this early in the morning." I mumble.

"Well, it's been a good morning so far." He says. "The only thing that would make this better is if you come and join us at our table."

I smile. James has always been a great friend to me but I genuinely don't feel like speaking to anyone right now. He's happy and I'll drag the mood down.

"Sorry James, my morning hasn't been as good as yours and my mood will just bring you down."

"It's not up for discussion. You eat breakfast with Regulus every morning. Come eat with us." James demands.

"James, I really do not want to ruin your mood."

"Everleigh, please stop being a stubborn women and come sit with us." James begs.

"Fine." I give in. "But don't get mad at me when I ruin your moods."

"Ah you could never ruin the mood." James softly whispers to me.

James offers me his arm but I shake my head.

"I can walk on my own."

"You weren't joking, you really are in a bad mood today."

"Yeah, sorry." I mumble.

"Don't apologize. I already know what's going on and you don't have any reason to be sorry."

I pause.

How does he know what's going on?

We walk over to the table where I see Sirius, Remus, Lily and Regulus sitting there.

What the fuck?

"What's going on here?" I ask him, ask them all.

Lily stands up and wraps her arms around me.

"I'm sorry I got mad at you. It wasn't about you and that's not fair for you." Lily whisper. "And I told the guys to be nice to you today because of your mother's birthday."

"Thanks Lily." I say.

Regulus stands up next and I glare at him.

"What? I'm here aren't I?" Regulus jokingly asks.

"You didn't come to the astronomy tower this morning. I thought something was wrong." I reply.

"Shit-" he says. "I'm sorry, I didn't think of it that way."

"It's fine." I say.

The guys, Lily and I sit down and enjoy a breakfast together. For once there was no fighting or tense moments. No brotherly fighting or no relationship drama.


Lily came to me when I was on my way to the astronomy tower this morning to meet Evie. She told me that today is going to be a hard day for her because it's her mother's birthday and asked if I wanted to help her with something to cheer her up.

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