Common Room Reunion

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"Don't hate me, but I sort of told James and the guys that we would hangout with them on the weekend." I say to Regulus. He was saying that we could do something on the weekend and I couldn't let him get too excited before knowing

"Evie! I was planning our first date." Reggie whines.

"I'm sorry! You weren't there and they were upset I didn't hangout with them last weekend."

"Can we get out of it?"

"Probably not without a lot of arguing."

"Shit... well we can hangout with them Saturday and maybe have our date Sunday...?"

"Yeah, that sounds perfect." I say, leaning over and kissing his cheek.

"I wish we could just stay up here all day." Reggie says, as he lays his head in my lap. I run my fingers through his hair. His hair is so soft. I wish that we could stay up here, in this moment forever.

"We don't have to keep it a secret if you don't want to." Reggie says out of no where.

"You don't want to anymore? It's only been a day..." I say.

"I know but if you haven't noticed, I kind of suck at keeping secrets."

"Trust me, I've noticed that." I joke. "But we can keep it a secret as long as we can until we get caught."

"Okay, that works for me too." Reg agrees. "So that means I don't have to work as hard to keep it a secret. No pressure?"

"Yes, Reggie. You can relax a little bit." I say.

The two of us sit up in the astronomy tower all night long, until it was time to return to our common rooms. He laid in my lap while I ran my fingers through his soft hair. He was also reading out loud to me. It felt the same as every night that the two of us would sit up here and read but at the same time, things feel so different. A good different of course.

He was still Reggie and I was still Everleigh but our relationship has changed.

A good change.


"Come on, we should probably get you back to your common room before someone finds us up here." I say to her as I help her up and take her hand.

"I don't want to go. I would rather stay here with you all night." Evie whines.

"Believe me, I would like nothing more but we don't need detention to ruin our date plans."

At the bottom of the stairs, I peak my head out of the door to see if anyone's there. Luckily, no one was there.

"So if we're going on a date on the weekend.. where are we going?" Evie asks.

"Nice try but it's a surprise." I say.

I walk her to the door of her common room and before she could say anything, I lean in and connect our lips. Evie immediately places his hands behind my head and some fingers in my hair. I placed my hands on her waist and pulling her closer to me.

"Reggie." She giggles. "Someone is going to see us."

"No pressure, remember?" I tell her before kissing her again. She smiles before kissing me back and then she pulls away.

"Evieee." I whine playfully.

"I'll see you in the morning Reg."

"Fine, good night love." I say, leaving one last kiss on her cheek and watching her enter the common room to make sure she gets in safe.

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