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I avoid all of the questions from Bellatrix and Narcissa about where I've been and why I'm just getting in now. I really don't have the energy to explain all of this to them and it's not your business really. Plus all I want is to go and sit with Evie.

"Look, I don't owe any of you an explanation. I'm going to bed because I'm tired and it's late." I tell them before walking away.

I open the door to my dorm and walk in. Evie is curled up in my bed, passed out. I lock the door and quickly change in to sweat pants. I look down at my arm and freeze. I don't want to sleep in a sweater but- I don't want her to wake up and see it. I struggle for a minute before grabbing a hoodie and opening a window a little so I'm not hot. Then I lay down beside Evie. She begins to stir a little.

"Reg?" She whispers as she turns around to see me laying next to her. "You're back."

"Yeah, come here." I say, wanting her close to me. She lays closer to me without another word.

"I love you." She whispers before closing her eyes again. I kiss the top of her head before saying it back.


I don't remember when I passed out, I think it was almost immediately once I got comfortable because I was exhausted, but I wake up with Evie beside me. For the moment, that is all I need.

She is so peaceful when she's sleeping. I hope I can wake up to her every morning for the rest of my life because it's one of the best feelings in the world.

I lay there beside her, reading while I wait for her to wake up. I'm reading the book her father wrote, fantastic beasts and where to find them. I never knew there were so many different kind of creatures and I find it fascinating how to take care of them. Her father knows so much about all these different kinds of creatures, I bet he has so many cool stories too. 

Evie starts stirring beside me. She rolls over and smiles when she sees I'm awake.

"Good morning Slytherin." She says, smiling sleepily and scooting closer to me slowly. 

"Good morning Hufflepuff." I reply, wrapping an arm around her while she lays her head on my chest. "How'd you sleep?"

"Good, how about you?" She asks.


"How did things go last night? We didn't really get to talk last night because I fell asleep."

"It wasn't fun, I'll tell you that much." I answer. She frowns and connects our fingers and brings my hand up to her lips and kisses the back of my hand.

"Aren't you glad I was here when you got back?" Evie teasingly asks me and I laugh softly.

"Yes, Evie. You were right. I wanted you there when I got back, I just didn't know it myself."

"I'm always right but it's nice to hear you say it out loud once in a while."  She continues.

"Yes Evie, you are always right and everyone knows it." I tell her. 

"Reg, tell me what happened back at your house. I'm curious and you need to talk about it."  Evie gently says.

"It was a whole meeting of all of his death eaters in my house. In my dining room. Some people I've seen before but most of them I don't know." I explain.

"They were in your house? All of them?" Evie asks me. I nod my head in response.

"I think all of them. If not all of them, a lot of them." I reply.

"And you got the dark mark?" She quietly asks, glancing at my arm that's covered by my sleeve by the sweater.

I don't respond right away... which is pretty much an answer on it's own. I look away from her and nod my head slowly, not daring to look at her in the eyes.

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