Unplanned Meeting

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I'm sitting by the lake alone, over thinking everything that Peter said to me. Even though he's in the wrong because I didn't exactly have a choice and he did.

But he's right too.

I'm being hypocritical because I'm telling everyone to stay away from my friends but I'm not doing that.

I can't do that...

But I should.

I wasn't alone long because Evie found me. She sat down beside me without saying a word and wrapped her arms around me.

We sat there for a long while without saying a word.

It's as if she knew something was wrong without me having to say it.

"I should back away from them." I say, breaking the long silence. "From all of you."

"What? Regulus, no."

"I'm being hypocritical by telling Severus and Peter to stay away when I'm doing the opposite."

"Regulus, don't make me slap some sense into you."


"Shut up."


"No, seriously shut up." She says. "You don't even think about that, okay?"

"You don't get it.. it's dangerous."

"When hasn't it been dangerous?" Evie asks. "But don't you dare for one second make the selfish decision for everyone else."


"Regulus, I'm being serious." She says as she puts her hand in my face. "You see this ring? That's a promise Reg. A promise to me."

"I know..."

"Don't leave me." She says quietly. "Don't break that promise."


"Promise me?"

"I promise."

"Good, now tell me what happened with Peter." 

"He won't stay away from them because he thinks I won't risk them finding out about me by telling them about him."


"I don't know what to do Evie." I say. "I'm scared of losing them, of losing my brother."

"Don't do anything yet." Evie says. "Just keep an eye on him."

She leans over and whispers in my ear, "be a spy."

Before she pulls back, I lean into her and kiss her. She kisses back instantly and shifts so she's now straddling me.

Just as we get started, my arm starts burning.

"Ah, what the fuck?" I shout. Evie shoots up off of me and stares at me with fear.

"What? Did I do something?"

"No, not you. My arm is burning so bad right no- ah fuck."

She reaches for my arm and rolls up my sleeve slowly only to see the mark is moving. It's actually moving.

I've heard rumours but I didn't believe them.

"What does that mean?" Everleigh asks me.

"It means he's calling me-"

"Wait, what the fuck?" Evie snaps. "What does he want?"

"I don't know... but I have to go... now."

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