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The next week flew by way too fast for both mine and Regulus' liking. It's now Thursday night and we're laying in bed, neither of us are talking. We don't know what exactly to say. I'm terrified for him. Getting the mark is one thing but being chosen to do a task.. to be an active member of the death eaters... that's scary to even think about.

I can tell that Reg is terrified too. It's clear that he doesn't want to go tomorrow but he won't talk about it.

If I bring it up he just tells me that it's going to be fine and that I shouldn't worry about it... as if he doesn't know me. I worry about everything.

I think Sirius is starting to figure out that something is wrong too. He's been watching us very closely since the day at the lake and it's nerve wracking.. especially since there is something going on. He can't know though. If he finds out... he'll never be able to forgive Regulus and Reg doesn't need his own brother turning his back on him right now.

I'm pretty sure that's one of the reasons why he's so scared. Bellatrix and Lucius will be there tomorrow and once they know, everyone will know.

"Hey Hufflepuff, you still awake?" Regulus whispers softly, breaking the silence of the room.

"I'm awake." I reply.

"I can't sleep." He whispers.

"Me either."

"You know how you told me to write Sirius a letter?"


"How do I start that?"

"What do you want to say to him?"

I hear him let out a shaky breath before he says, "I want to explain that your life was on the line, that he threatened you. That I really wasn't going to do what our parents want but then he read my mind and threatened you."

"Then you tell him that."

"He's going to be so disappointed when he finds out." Regulus sighs.

"You can handle him being disappointed, okay? That's not bad. It means he cares."

"But he won't want to speak to me ever again."

"No, he won't. Not when he learns your reasoning."

Of course I'm not exactly sure of that but why would he hold it against him when Reg was just trying to save my life? Even though I told him not to ruin his life to save mine.

Clearly he doesn't listen that well.

But I could never abandon him. Not after what he did for me.

I could never throw him away like he doesn't matter because of one mistake, however big it was, because I love him more than anything.

"You don't know that for sure." Regulus whispers.

"I'm sorry."

"Get some sleep Evie, it's going to be a long day tomorrow." Regulus says... demands more like it.

"Good night Reg." I whisper, laying my head on his chest. I can hear his heart beating fast so I reach over and take his hand.

"Good night love." He whispers, kissing the top of my head.


"Do you guys think Regulus and Everleigh have been acting a little weird lately?" I ask James, Peter and Remus.

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