chapter 1

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This text is for their actions and stuff
This one is when they are talking
This one is for there thoughts

You get to swellview it's already 3 you got kicked out of your dream high school because apparently dress coding your attitude and other stuff you cant remember you then go to your apartment and make It beautiful then you go buy pizza and go to junk n stuff you walk in and see that gooch isnt there so you send the pizza down the tubes and you go down the elevator

Man cave POV

Ray:look theres a pizza box
Gooch:omg Schwaz it's that time of the year
Schwaz:no way
Ray:what are you guys talking about
Gooch:just watch

Your POV

you finally get to man cave you open the elevator and see gooch Schwaz your dad ray and some three kids

Jordan:ayy the Pizaa made it

You go and grave the pizza

Dad/ray:Jordan what are you doing
Jordan:its that time of the year oh and because of something else so I got you a pizza because what I'm about to say your gonna get mad
Schwaz:ok before you tell the story give me a hug
Jordan:sure Schwaz
Gooch:me too

You hug them then see the three kids looking confused

Jordan:God I missed your short self schwaz wheres your horse looking sister
Schwaz:not here back home with my other family
Jordan:oh ok gooch your plant grew bigger
Gooch:I know
Ray/dad:Jordan stop making chit chat and yell me what happened
Jordan:I got kicked out of school
Ray/dad:what why
Jordan:look at me notice anything
Gooch:yes this nose piercing
Schwaz:and this slit in your eyebrow
Jordan:yes I got kicked out for dress code my attitude and other stuff I dont remember
Ray/dad:so where are you going now
Jordan:swellview junior high
Ray/dad:are you moving here
Jordan:no you see I'm just gonna go to school here I actually live in New Jersey
Ray/dad:that's a lot of driving
Gooch:she was being sarcastic yes she is gonna live here
Jordan:yes thank you gooch and I live in my own apartment with my own car
Ray/dad:wow congrats so that means your gonna be spending more time with me
Jordan:yep now give me some pizza
Schwaz:yes me too

You three grave some pizza and start eating

Jordan:so schwaz how is he treating you
Jordan:you got to treat him right
Jordan:if it wasnt for him this place would be boring

Then you see the three kids they look your age staring at you

Jordan:who are they

You say pointing to the kids

Ray/dad:oh yeah umm Henry jasper Charlotte meet Jordan
A blonde kid:hi I'm Henry

Henry's thoughts
She's super cute and pretty
Jordan's thoughts
Hes so cute and hot

A girl with puffy hair:I'm Charlotte
Boy with blonde curls:I'm jasper
Jordan:sup im Jordan
Henry:who is she exactly
Gooch:his daughter
Jasper:you never told us you had a daughter
Jordan:not surprised
Ray/dad:what's that supposed to mean
Jordan:oh just you know that no one ever knows you have a daughter till I show up
Ray/dad:not true
Jordan:I meet gooch because it was the day of Christmas I brought you a present and there was gooch same for schwaz but this time I meet him because I brought presents for you and gooch but idc
Ray/dad:look I'm sorry Jordan
Jordan:I honestly don't care oh and Schwaz gooch I got it on video in my phone
Gooch:show us
Jordan:ok let me connect my phone to these monitors

You say walking over to the place with all the computer where they there emergency calls

Schwaz:you can't connect it
Jordan:your talking to Jordan Manchester I could do it

You then start doing stuff an connect your phone

Jordan:done come on

Gooch and Schwaz come over to you and start watching it with you then everyone else comes over

Charlotte:what are we watching
Gooch:Jordan be the living hell out of someone
Ray/dad:this is why you got kicked out
Jordan:umm not my fault she wanted to talk crap she said your an old man and more stuff i don't remember
Henry:that's why you beat her up
Jordan:nah cause her voice Got annoying and she didnt shut up oh and Schwaz gooch remember that other boy I told you about
Jordan:let's Just saying he ain't gonna have kids he also still got the black eye the fight was like 2 months ago
Henry:now I kinda want to fight you
Ray/dad:no,no you dont
Jordan:ok pretty boy lets do it
Ray/dad:yeah don't call him pretty boy and no
Henry:pls ray
Ray/dad:No n-o No
Henry:fine we won't fight

You then look at everyone else

Jordan:watch this

You then look at ray

Jordan:ofc the answer is no
Ray/dad:wdym ofc the answer is no
Jordan:well think about it dad were trying to have fun but you stopped us your a fun killer
Ray/dad:No in not
Jordan:then let us fight
Jordan:go bring blankets so he won't get hurt

They go bring blankets then you start you flip him over you let him get up then you drop him again

Henry:ok ok you win
Jordan:see I told you
Ray/dad:ha she beat you

You walk over to him and drop him too

Jordan:ha I beat you

You then help him get up and start heading to the elevator

Gooch:where are you going
Ray/dad:be careful Jordan
Jordan:chill father I'm going upstairs
Jordan:to get my order
Jordan:icream and donuts
Henry:your gonna come back right

You go upstairs and come down with a box of donuts and giant containers one is filled with chocolate icream another one is vanilla the other one is mint chocolate chip and the last one is strawberry

Jordan:I'm back umm hey Charlotte grave these donuts and put them in the table

She walks over to you grabs the donuts and put them on the table
Then you come out with the big containers of ice cream

Ray/dad:how much was this
Jordan:zero dollars I got it for free since I know the people
Henry:you better give us some

You hand everyone a spoon then start eating you guys finish the ice cream then you all leave and go home to sleep

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