chapter 30

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It's still December 12th its 10:05 your just laying in bed when Henry texts you,you have him under Babe;)

Hey Babe You up

Yeah why 

I cant sleep

Then come over

I'll be there in 5

5 minutes later theres a knock on the door you run downstairs and open it you see Henry he walks in and you close the door he takes off his jacket then gives you a kiss and he hugs you his chin Is on your head

Henry:hi princess
Jordan:hi baby
Henry:why Aren't you sleeping
Jordan:how could I go to sleep knowing we have court tomorrow
Jordan:that reminds me

You pull away you grave your phone and text hotch all the info

Henry:can we go lay down plz
Jordan:sure my big baby

You guys go upstairs and lay on your bed you and Henry are cuddling

Henry:so you ready for court tomorrow
Jordan:yeah I mean what's the worst that could happen
Henry:your mom-
Jordan:her names April not mom
Henry:ok then April gets custody of you she takes you away from us
Jordan:hopefully that wont happen
Henry:but what if it does
Jordan:then I'll make sure it doesn't
Henry:let's just hope court goes good
Jordan:exactly so what's the reason you cant sleep
Henry:I Honestly dont know why I'm up

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