chapter 32

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Still December 13th you guys walk in and i see hotch so we all walk over to him


You guys hug

Hotch:you two ready

He looks at me and my dad

Hotch:good me too and Jordan me the team Jack and Henry wish you a happy late birthday
Jordan:thank you and tell them I said thank you
Hotch:I will
Ray:what court room are we in
Hotch:oh umm let me check

He checks a paper he has

Hotch:court room 3
Jordan:that means judge coronel
Hotch:yes it does
Jordan:hes the best

Then a mic goes off

Mic:court room 3 judge coronel is ready for you guys

Then the mic goes off

Hotch:well thats us

We all start walking to court room 3 when Henry pull me and my dad back along witch schwaz and Charlotte

Jordan:hotch we will be right there

Hotch walks off

Henry:how do both know judge coronel
Jordan:because when I was younger like 5 I punched some kid in the face and their parents wanted to press charges so we had to go to court and he was our judge
Ray:now lets go

We walk in to court room 3 i see my mom April her lawyer and I see hotch me and my dad go sit with hotch infornt while Henry schwaz and Charlotte sit down in the seats where you watch then judge coronel sees me

Judge coronel:omg little Jordan Manchester
Judge coronel:what are you doing here today
April:its mom
Jordan:its April and keep your mouth shut anways april qnats to fight over custody of me
Judge coronel:oh well take a seat

I sit down
The judge hits the little hammer kn the table think hes on

Judge coronel:Today we are here for ray Manchester and April Hernandez fight over custody of Jordan Manchester so who like to go first

Hotch stands up

Hotch:I would and my first witness would be April

(Idk anything about court and stuff so yeah)
She goes and sit where they ask questions

Hotch:so I will be asking you questions that everyone knows then I'll ask ray the same question then I'll ask them too Jordan
Hotch:are you ready
Hotch:ok were you in Jordan's life growing up

I over my mouth with my hand cause that wrong

Hotch:ok next question what happend when jordan was 5
April:easy she started kindergarten
Hotch:ok when she was 13 what happend
April:she graduated school
Hotch:ok what age did Jordan leave swellview to go to amazing school
Hotch:ok what's Jordan's favorite sport
Hotch:at what age did she start playing that sport
April:when she was 6
Hotch:and when did she stop
April:at age 8
Hotch:what are her favorite colors
April:purple and pink
Hotch:ok who's one of her idols aka rolemodles
April:me duh
Hotch:ok thats all now ray your turn

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