chapter 38

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It's the next day Tuesday I wake up get dressed head downstairs eat breakfast then go pick up henry he gets in the car

Henry:hi baby girl
Jordan:hi babe

He smiles then kisses me and we drive off to Charlotte's house I pick her up then we go to school

Jordan:hold on ill go in a minute

She gets off the car and walks in I stay in the car with Henry i grave my chapstick and put it on

Henry:what flavor is it
Jordan:pink lemonade
Henry:can I try some

He leans over and kisses me then pulls away

Jordan:what was that for
Henry:you said I could try it and dont act like you didnt like it

I smile and giggle

Henry:ive never heard you giggle before
Jordan:that's because I hate how I giggle
Henry:well I think it's cute
Jordan:thank you babe

Then we get off the car and we walk in Henry goes to jasper while me and Charlotte go to my locker

Charlotte:so did Henry ask you to be his prom date
Jordan:he did
Charlotte:well jasper asked me in a friend way
Jordan:that's sweet
Charlotte:it is

Then henry comes up to us

Henry:babe have you picked a color for your prom dress
Jordan:no I'm gonna go prom dress shopping later oh Charlotte you can come with me
Henry:Charlotte you got a prom date
Charlotte:yeah jasper asked me as in a friend way and Jordan I will come

Skip to later me and Charlotte already went dress shopping (not gonna show till prom day) we dropped them off at our houses and were going to junk n stuff we walk in and see jasper my dad and Henry in the store

Jasper:you guys are here
Jordan:we are oh and my prom dress is pink
Henry:ok got it
Jordan:yall know wheres the glue
Ray:in the back

I go to the back when I hear the door open and I start listening in

Man:Ray Manchester
Ray:Filip Guzman

Then the door opens again

Filip:ray meet my daughter Sarah
Filip:wheres your daughter
Ray:let me call her hunny
Jordan:I'm coming

I walk out and notice the girl

Ray:Filip meet my daughter Jordan
Sarah:D-Dad I want to go h-home
Jordan:hey aren't you the girl that I beat up like 2 or 3 months ago
Filip:your the girl that gave her a broken nose and a black eye
Jordan:heck yeah and I'll do it again

I say that while throwing fake punching

Filip:ugh Sarah sweetie let's go

They walk out and we all go to the man cave

Jordan:hey I'm gonna go home I'll back in a little

I go home

Man cave POV

Were all talking when schwaz comes in

Schwaz:guys drex dissapered
Henry:its fine we will get him when he makes trouble

Then theres an incoming call

Person:hi can spark danger captain man and kid danger come to my daughter's party
Charlotte:sure where
Person:at (random adress)
Charlotte:they will be there although spark danger will be a little late
Person:that's fine

Charlotte tells them and they go after 5 minutes Jordan comes in

Back to you

I walk in

Charlotte:jordan ready up and go to this address

I blow my bubble and I leave I get to the place and someone zaps me and outs me in a bag I black out when i wake up I'm in a cage i see my dad and Henry next to me in cages there awake

Jordan:what the heck

Then someone comes in its drex he has a blaster in his hands

Drex:the people I wanted ok so I have a blaster
Jordan:cool want a cookie
Drex:shut up spark danger anways do you know what this blaster does
drex:well with one zap it kills someone even if your indestructible
Jordan:see if you knew what it does then what the heck you asking us for
Jordan:you asked us do we know what the blaster does we said no and you told us
Drex:ok listen you guys need to fear and listen to me
Jordan:I cant hear you I don't fear you
Drex:ok smart mouth ill zap you
Jordan:go for it

He start getting the balzter ready while using your Manpiulatung water to form a mirror so then drex zaps you but it hits the mirror and it zaps back to him then he disappears but then blaster falls on the floor

Ray:Jordan you did it
Jordan:I did
Henry:but how are we getting out he swallowed the key
Jordan:oh umm let me try

I try all my powers my laser vision my heat and freeze breath my telekinesis

Henry:use your Manpiulatung water
Jordan:I cant i ran out of water and theres no other liquids in this place  oh i know

I teleport out of there

Ray:we can't all do that
Jordan:I know wait I'll be back

I grave the blaster and teleport back to the man cave I give it to schwaz
Then teleport back

Ray:and how are you supposed to get us out
Jordan:hold your horses

I teleport to Henry's cage then get him out and I do the same for my dad then we all teleport to the man cave

Charlotte:you guys have to stop doing that
Jordan:your right but the look on your faces when we do are hilarious
Henry:she right
Ray:yeah and Charlotte you put us up for failure
Jordan:drex kidnapped us
Charlotte:well that isn't what I was told I was told it was a little girls birthday party

Then we transform back we all just hang out then go home

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