chapter 21

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Still December 5th

April:well your moving with me to New York
Jordan:no I'm not
April:why not
Jordan:I have a life here I have a bf here
April:bf what bf

You guys peek your heads out and you point to your bf aka Henry then go back in

April:well idc tell your dad were fighting for custody over you meet me and my lawyer at court next Saturday
Jordan:ok bye April

She leaves then you come out with her and go to Henry Charlotte and jasper

Jordan:I'm going to the man cave I'll be back

You give henry $10

Jordan:here I lost the bet
Henry:ok thx I guess but why are you going to the man cave school just started
Jordan:need to talk to my dad

I walk away to the door when mitch comes up to me

Jordan:what mitch
Mitch:why are you leaving
Jordan:none of your business
Mitch:did you and Henry break up
Jordan:no why
Mitch:because you guys aren't talking
Jordan:were still together
Mitch:then go kiss him
Mitch:on the lips
Jordan:got it but in the janitors closet.

He walks to the janitor closet and you walk back to Henry Charlotte and jasper

Henry's POV

Me Charlotte and jasper watch Jordan walk out then mitch stops her they talk for a little then she walks over to us she graves my hand and drags me to the janitors closet where I see mitch

Back to you

I grab Henry's hand take him to the janitors office where mitch is

Mitch:well jordan do it

I cut him off by grabbing his face and pressing my lips against his he then puts his arms around my waist I feel him smile  after 10 seconds I pull away I walk out and leave
Skip to when your in the man cave


I see him come out of his room

Ray:what happened your not supposed to be here
Jordan:mom showed up at school
Ray:oh... what did she say
Jordan:she wants custody of me so next week Saturday were going to court
Ray:no I might lose you I cant lose you
Jordan:dad calm down you wont
Ray:and how do you know that
Jordan:2 reason one I have an amazing lawyer and two I'm 18 next week the day before court is my birthday and online it says the child is now seen as an adult with all the freedoms that come with adulthood so we will be fine
Ray:we better hope so kiddo
Jordan:I know it also dont tell Henry Charlotte jasper and especially dont tell schwaz
Ray:why not Jordan hes your bf
Jordan:ok dad
Ray:what don't you trust him relationships are about trust
Jordan:look I do trust him I'll tell them when I think times right
Jordan:I'm going back to school bye dad see ya later
Ray:bye kiddo

You get in the tubes and leave
Skip to when your at school there in math class theres only 2 minutes of class so you just sit on the stairs by your locker 2 minutes later math is finished

Charlotte POV

I was walking with jasper and Henry when I see Jordan on the stairs on he phone

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