chapter 47

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It's just a normal day I'm in the man cave getting ready for a mission I'm in the main room

Jordan:dad I'm leaving
Ray:alright hey wheres tydus
Jordan:in his room take care of him while I'm gone
Ray:I always do and I will good luck be back safe
Jordan:I will

I go under the tube and head out
Rays POV

Jordan's been gone know for about 10 minutes when the tubes come down


I turn around and see Henry

Ray:omg your back

He comes over and we hug then stop

Henry:yeah I am and for permanent
Ray:that's good
Henry:when did schwaz built all this
Ray:a while ago
Henry:you look good
Ray:you do to man
Henry:so wheres Jordan
Ray:oh sh-

Then the tubes come down again
Back to you

I come down the tube looking down and hitting my pocket on my jacket I walk over

Jordan:hey da-

Then I look up

Jordan:oh hey Henry your back
Henry:I am
Jordan:nice anwyas dad

I keep hitting my pocket

Ray:why are you hitting your pocket
Jordan:because of him
Henry:him who

I take out toddler from my pocket

Ray:what happend
Jordan:ok s-
Henry:first fill me in on what I missed
Jordan:ok umm after a year when you left my dad quit being captain man so it's just me umm Jeff stopped fighting hes a friend of ours schwaz built this
Ray:what about
Jordan:we will get there when he comes
Jordan:anwyas back to my sto-ow

I hit my other pocket then take something out and put them in to,two different containers

Henry:back to your story
Jordan:right so when I went to fight them I thought I was only fighting minyak but toddler drill finger and drex were there
Ray:hold on I thought drex was dead you killed him
Jordan:well they brought him back anwyas I started fighting we were at the swellview park and then we started going to the ocean but minyak had a weapon to zap me but I used toddler and drex as my shield and now their small
Ray:what about the others minyak and drill finger
Jordan:about that drill finger has no drill finger I broke it with my laser vision and dr.minyak is at the bottom of the ocean
Ray:wow God job

Then I grave the containers and freeze drex and toddler then I take them to schwaz and change back

Ray:I'm going to the store
Jordan:have fun
Ray:you know I wont
Jordan:yes I do

Then he leaves

Henry:so what's been up with you
Jordan:a lot
Henry:seeing anyone
Jordan:no you
Jordan:well hows your mom and dad
Henry:their good
Jordan:that's good

Then tydus runs put of his room

Tydus:mom your back

He hugs my leg and i pick him up

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