chapter 17

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It's the next day you(December 1st) wake up get dressed You call henrys and Charlotte you tell them your not going to school to day to find a different ride and you'll pick them up after school tho they said it's fine

Charlotte's POV

I look at Bianca and see shes talking walking and dressing like Jordan so I go to Henry who's with jasper

Henry's POV

I'm talking to jasper when Charlotte comes over to us

Charlotte:look Bianca is acting walking talking and dressing like Jordan
Henry:I'm gonna tell Jordan when she comes to pick us up
Charlotte:great Idea but it might not end well
Henry:so who cares

Back to you

It's time for you to pick up Henry and Charlotte
But you get a call its jug

A/n:You will find out what he says in the next chapter ;)

I get in my car and go pick up Henry and Charlotte once they get to the car

Henry:hi babe
Jordan:hi bubs hi Charlotte
Charlotte:hey Jordan
Henry:guess what
Charlotte:today Bianca was acting talking walking and dressing like you
Jordan:I'll be back
Henry:no fighting
Jordan:I wont

You get off the car enter school and notice it's true she is acting walking talking and dressing like you so you go up to her

A/n:this part your lines are from the song I put I changed a part so it can make sence I'll tell you when the lines from the song stop

Bianca:Yes I'm henry hart's gf
Jordan:Just like me
Bianca:what are you talking about I actually I don't care
Jordan:who just dont give a fuck like me
Bianca:what are you on about Jordan
Jordan:you dress like me walk talk and act like me you just might be the next best thing but not quite me I'm Henry's harts gf yes I'm really Henry's harts  gf all you other Henry hart gf are just immating
Bianca:your just pathetic
Jordan:please stand up please stand up I'm Henry hart's gf yes im really Henry harts gf all you other Henry hart gfs are just immating

Then Henry walks in

Henry:jordan babe come on
Jordan:please stand up please stand up

A/n:The song lines are over

You then walk away with Henry
Skip to when you guys get to junk n stuff

Jordan:I'm not going in because I have to do something else
Jordan:I also cant take you guys or pick you guys up from school because of my car I'm getting my engine changed
Henry:ok bye babe
Jordan:bye guys

You the go home

A/n:sorry for this short chapter

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