chapter 24

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It's the next day December 8th Monday you wake up you get dressed then you go wake up the boys you get them dressed and you all head downstairs and into the kitchen

Jordan:ok so what do you guys want to eat
Jack:me too
Jordan:ok what kind of cereal
Jack:froot loops
HenryJ:me too

You serve them and yourself some cereal when you guys are done eating you guys all put on your shoes and get in the car you go pick up HenryH
He gets in the car and kisses you

HenryH:hi babe hey boys

Then you go pick up Charlotte

Charlotte:hey Jack Jordan and both Henry's
Jordan:ok well we don't start school till 8 the boys start at 7:45 its 7:25 ok who's house are going to first
Charlotte:why are we going to there house
HenryJ:our backpacks

You guys go to Jack's house

Jordan:ok Jack come on let's go get your backpack

He gets off the car

Jordan:watch Henry
Charlotte:witch one theres kid Henry and then Henry who acts like a kid
Jordan:I would say kid Henry but to be same watch both

You guys go get the backpack get back in the car then go get HenryJ backpack
Skip till later Jack and Henry's parents are back they already got there kids your at the man cave with your laptop you all are sitting on the U couch when something pops up it's a facetime from Reid

Ray:who is calling you
Jordan: my FBI friends

so you run over to one of the walls that look like rocks you answer and see prentiss JJ Morgan and Reid
Ft starts:

Jordan:hey guys
Prentiss:Hi jordan
Jordan:hey Emily
JJ:ok so guess what
JJ:so when Garcia got shot we got another analysts name Kevin
JJ:well Garcia and Kevin sitting in' a tree
Morgan:get outta here you serious

Jj walks away then Morgan walks away

Prentiss:Just when I thought nothing scandalous was ever gonna happen around here

She laughs and walks away

Reid:what,what does that mean

He looks at you

Jordan:didnt you hear JJ
Reid:The song meant something no,no I missed it
Jordan:Omg Reid
Jordan:it means there hooking up like there sleeping with ecahother or Talking like talking talking
Jordan:and your the genius
Reid:ok Ok well I have to go bye Jordan
Jordan:bye Reid

You guys hand up you close your laptop then just lay there

Jasper:what are you doing
Jordan:what does it look like it
Jasper:your laying there
Jordan:no really I thought i was walking on the moon
Jasper:well your not
Jordan:oh boy your really testing me aren't you
Jasper:maybe,maybe not,

You get up and go to auto snack you out your hand on it


You remove your hand and the fork comes out

Ray:Jordan no
Jordan:let's see if after this you'll test me

You through the fork at him and it goes into his shoulder

Jordan:next time dont test me
Jasper:well how would I know
Schwaz:Just dont test her
Jordan:right and I'll be nice

You walk over to him

Jasper:No jor-

You cut him off by taking the fork out

Jordan:stop being a baby
Jordan:what are you 4
Charlotte:oh Tomorrow are auditions
Schwaz:Vor vhat
Henry:you mean For What
Schwaz:oh you say it better
Jordan:but what audition
Charlotte:the school play I auditioned my audition is Tomorrow a famous director named  Acuast is directing it
Schwaz:look at this gadget I made

Then you get an emergency your dad walks over while schwaz shows you guys a gadget call ray answers

Ray:this is the Captain man Hot line what is your emergency
Person:hi we were robbed were elderly naked wh-
Ray:your what

He hangs up

Jordan:you can't be hanging up on people they need our help

Then you get an emergency call

Jordan:problay the same people Ill answer

You answer

Jordan:hi spark danger speaking state your emergency
Person:were elderly nacked
Jordan:wrong number

You hang up

Henry:why did you do that you just told ray he could do that then you do it those people probaly need our help
Jordan:then you help them
Henry:what was there emergency
Jordan:there naked elderly people
Henry:yeah they can help them selves
Jordan:We are horrible people but it's ok

You then gets Notification on your phone

Jordan:there's no school Wednesday because of an improvement day
Ray:you know what that means

You run over and put you hand over Henry's mouth

Jordan:do not ask

Then you remove your hand

Ray:its cleaning day
Schwaz:for us not for you
Jordan:on Wednesday me schwaz you jasper and Charlotte are cleaning the man cave while my dad relaxes
Jordan:dad wanna play zap

You guys start zapping eachother with your blasters saying oww when one of you guys gets zapped after 3 minutes Henry zaps both of you

Jordan&ray:what did you do that for
Henry:you guys are being annoying
Jordna&ray:that's rude
Ray:your just mad
Henry:why am I mad
Jordan:because were having fun
Jordan:I'm going home
Henry:me too

You guys leave you go to henrys house

Henry:come in plz
Henry:to cuddle

You both walk in then Henry's mom comes and hugs you, you hug her back then stop piper does that same to you

Henry:I'm here too
Piper:good for you
Piper:for you
Henry:well Come on Jordan

You guys go to his room and cuddle then you go home to sleep because sleeping is cool

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