chapter 20

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It's the next day December 5th
You wake up get dressed eat breakfast then go to henrys house but you go through the window and sit on his couch while he sleeps then after 10 minutes you decide to wake him up so you go up to him

Jordan:babe,Henry,Henry hart,Babe,Bubs

Henry wakes up

Jordan:wake up
Henry:why couldn't you wake me up like you did yesterday on the plane
Jordan:I dont know anways wake up

He gets out of bed

Jordan:I'll be in the car

You say while getting up from his bed

Henry:wait jordan it's only 7:10 Charlotte's is only 6 minutes away and school is 5 minutes away from her house school doesn't start till 8:00
Jordan:ok dude what's your point

Then Henry looks at you confused and looks behind him to the sides then back at you

Henry:who you calling dude
Jordan:bro you who else
Henry:umm no its Henry,hen, babe baby, or bubs to you not dude or bro and my point is we can cuddle

He comes and cuddles you
Then his mom walks in

Mrs.hart:Henr-Oh hi Jordan
Jordan:hi momma hart
Mrs.hart:when did you get here
Jordan:a few minutes ago
Mrs.hart:but I never saw you come in
Jordan:i came through the window I was supposed to leave right away but your son Henry over here decided we cuddled so that's what were doing
Henry:but what is it mom
Mrs.hart:your uncle neck hairs is coming over for dinner
Henry:what no
Jordan:uncle who
Mrs.hart:Henry's dads step brother is coming over we call him neck hairs because its hairy behind there
Jordan:oh ok
Henry:hey Jordan why dont you come over for dinner
Mrs.hart:great idea
Jordan:you know I would love to but
Henry:but what
Jordan:Tonight I have to hang with my dad
Mrs.hart:oh ok maybe next time and Henry the dinners at 7 so be here by 7
Henry:got it mom

She leaves

Henry:your a liar
Jordan:am not today is the fight me schwaz my dad and you are supposed to watch the fight later at 7
Henry:oh right wait no I have dinner
Jordan:we will deal with it later

Then you stop cuddling him and go sit on his couch

Jordan:for now get dressed
Henry:no I wanna keep cuddling
Jordan:ok then I guess the whole day I wont speak to you
Henry:you cant do that
Jordan:yes,yes I can
Henry:no you cant in the first 5 minutes you would be talking to me
Jordan:no that's you
Henry:fine then lets make a bet $10 and it starts at school because you have to give me a ride

Skip when your at school

Henry:the bet starts now

You just nod
And walk to your locker
Get your stuff then head to Ms.shapens class
30 minutes into class

Ms.shapen:so we are doing a project with a partner on your guys favorite place remember you both have to agree on it the partner will be
Sydney and Oliver Henry and Jasper

She kept going on

Ms.shapen:Charlotte and Josh lastly Jordan and Jacob

Jacob and Josh are the school jocks they never do the work

Henry's POV

Ms.shapen:lastly jordan and Jacob

When she said that I gotta jealous and mad

Back to you

Ms.shapen:actually no Charlotte and Jordan are partners then Jacob and Josh because i know that if Jacob with Jordan then she gonna do all the work and same for Charlotte and Josh this project is due next week

Then the bell rings
I walk up to Charlotte
And we walk to my locker

Charlotte:hey how come you haven't talked to Henry is something going on between you two
Jordan:no this morning we made a bet that we have to go a whole day with out talking to ecahother the loser gives the winner $10

We both laugh

Henry's POV

I go to my locker with jasper I look over to Jordans locker and see her and Charlotte laughing

Jasper:why aren't you talking to Jordan
Henry:we cant talk to eachother the whole day loser gives winner $10
Jasper:oh ok
Henry:jasper I cant take it I want to talk to her so bad and kiss her ugh
Jasper:you got this think about all the times she has beat you
Henry:yeah whatever

Back to you

Jordan:wanna come to the man cave mater around 7
Jordan:to watch the fight
Charlotte:nah I don't watch that stuff
Charlotte:but what place are we gonna do
Jordan:I like Iowa what about you
Jordan:we could do that
Jordan:we could work on it any other day but today
Charlotte:got it

Then a lady comes in she looks familiar
She comes up to Charlotte

Lady:Jordan Manchester

You guys hug
Then stop

Charlotte:how do yall know eachother
Jordan:she was my kindergarten teacher I was so sad when she moved was my best student
Charlotte:what are you doing here tell you I'll be home late
Charlotte:ok well bye mom

She leaves then another lady walks over to you bit Charlotte goes to her locker 3 lockers down

Lady:hi jordan I'm your mom
Jordan:mom you mean as in April
Jordan:ok Charlotte I'll be back stay here or go to Henry and jasper

You say dragging your "mom" to the janitors office

Henry's POV

I see jordan yelling then dragging a lady in the janitors office and Charlotte walking over to us

Henry:what's Wrong with Jordan
Charlotte:idk i was at my locker
Henry:come on you know just tell me shes my gf
Charlotte:that's your not talking to because of a bet and I'm saying the truth idk who she is

Back to you

Jordan:what April
April:its mom to you
Jordan:no and I thought you died
April:supsize I wasn't dead
Jordan:what a useless surprise

What does april/mom say to you

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