chapter 45

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Let's go to graduation we all graduated thankfully anways uts Saturday the day after we are all in then man cave we're all looking at the monitors watching a video Henry's on the U couch

Henry:guys I have to tell you guys something
Charlotte:what is it
Henry:I'm m-moving

We all turn and look at him to see hes standing we all go over to him but I just sit on the U couch

Jasper:where to
Henry:dystopia my dad got a great job deal over there and he took it
Ray:you cant move your kid danger
Henry:I Know
Charlotte:what are we gonna do
Ray:we can sabotage it
Henry:ray no
Schwaz:oh I know zap Henry's dad to erase his memory
Henry:no what you guys are crazy

By now I'm back slushies for all of us 3 blues and 3 reds

Jasper:where did you go Jordan
Jordan:to get slushies
Henry:so do you know what's happening
Jordan:your moving to dystopia your dad got a great job deal my dad wants to sabotage it because eyou cant leave you said no and schwaz said erase his memory you said no and now where here
Charlotte:so you did yeah

Then they have their slushies

Jasper:so what are we gonna do

Everyone looks at me

Jordan:we cant do anything we have to let him go
Ray:what are we gonna tell the media
Jordan:kid danger went away for awhile
Ray:ok thats good
Jordan:yeah and if Henry doesn't come back in what 5 years we say he dies or is dead
Charlotte:ok that's good
Charlotte:well I'm gonna go to the store upstairs
Jordan:I'm coming with

We go upstairs and were behind the container

Charlotte:so what's gonna happen to yours and Henry's relationship
Jordan:I honestly dont know a pause a break i dont know we break up
Jordan:I know but its fine
Charlotte:you think so
Jordan:yeah I do because if he doenst come back then I'll find someone new
Charlotte:so your reall gonna wait those 5 years for him
Jordan:yes I am
Charlotte:now thats a perfect couple

I smole then Henry comes up

Henry:hey babe your dad wants you
Jordan:ok Charlotte I'll be back

I leave and head downstairs

Henry's POV
I'm about to leave back to the man cave

Charlotte:henry wait

I turn back around

Charlotte:did you hear what Jordan said before you walked in
Hendy:no why what did she say
Charlotte:we were talking about what might happen to your guys relationship then I said sad she said I know but it's fine I said you really think so she said if you dont come back she will find someone new I asked if shes really gonna wait 5 years  for you and she said yes shes gonna wiat 5 years for you
Henry:see that why I love her I'm literally inlove with her
Charlotte:you two are perfect for eachother meant to be
Henry:I think so to

Back to you
I talk to my dad then Henry comes in and i go back upstairs with Charlotte we talk help customers and all that then all go home

A/n:sorry for this short chapter but theres about 6 chapters left

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